I must protect the wild, Nature will rise against you!
Art:Ezuri, Renegade Leader by Victor Adame Minguez
Table of Contents
Todays Featured Commander is:
Ezuri is the general of this elves focused deck and for good reason! Ezuri is super easy to cast and his abilities not only help us protect key elfs we can also use his second ability combined with a bunch of mana to end games pretty quickly! We are an elf deck so our deck is packed to the brim with small efficient creatures that produce a ton of mana and a ton more creatures! We are a creature swarm style deck that beats down our opponents with a mass amount of creatures and buffs! This deck is a super sweet budget deck and with some upgrades can be even better! Lets get into it!
5 Helpful Upgrades:
Since we are a budget deck there are notable exclusions that can improve the deck if you are looking to upgrade this deck here are 5 cards to start with.
While your opponents may be happy that this card has been omitted since we produce so many creatures this card can easily end the game!
Since we can produce a ton of creatures, Craterhoof is not only very easy to cast in our deck but can easily kill 3 opponents when it hits the field!
Another card that benefits greatly from the large amount of creatures we can make, combining this with mana-dumping into Ezuri’s second ability we can make our creatures absolutely huge!
Nyxbloom ancient is a great card that we can ramp into really early and interacts really well with Ezuris second ability and with cards like Genesis Wave.
We are mono-green so drawing cards and filtering through our deck is not easy. Sylvan Library helps with that a ton and can let us draw up to 3 cards a turn. The life loss from drawing multiple cards a ton is really not a problem in EDH since it is a 40 life format.
All of these cards can really improve the deck but were omitted to adhere to the budget!
The Deck:
65$ Ezuri Elves!
Why Ezuri, Renegade Leader?
The main reason we chose Ezuri as the general of this deck are his abilities. Ezuri not only can protect are elves that die for only one G, but since we can produce a large amount of mana with relative ease we are able to use his second ability to make combat very difficult for our opponents and end games. Ezuri also has the benefit of being only 1GG to cast and since we can produce a large amount of mana it is very easy to cast him if he has returned to the command zone multiple times during the game!
Deck Overview:
The Deck Overview section features highlighted cards from the deck.
We are a creature deck so our creatures are the core part of our gameplan, we have some very small mana elfs like Elvish Mystic
Some of our low mana key elves include sweet cards like Joraga Warcaller
Our big mana producers are Elvish Archdruid
Some of the creatures that help a ton with the creature swarm are cards like Dwynen's Elite
Some of our elves that can be real houses on their own include Haldir, Lórien Lieutenant
We are a mono-green deck and while we produce a ton of creatures we can still die through combat so we of course have the classic Fog
Our sorcery package contains some pretty sweet game-ending cards like Overrun
Primal Command
Our artifact package is pretty simple mostly consisting of mana rocks like Sol Ring
Presence of Gond
Land Base:
Our land base is really simple consisting mostly of forests but we do have two nonbasics! Blighted Woodland
All-Stars of the Deck:
These cards are some of the best in the deck and the gameplan is slower / worse without them!
Strengths of the Deck:
- Easy to amass a large amount of creatures quickly
- Easy to make a ton of mana
- Ezuri can help us end games very quickly
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Lack of card draw
- Very weak to creature hate
- No real way to recur creatures once they die
Deck Stats:
Sample Hands:
Main Win Conditions:
The only infinite combo in our deck is Umbral Mantle
Our primary way to end the game is through Ezuri’s second ability since we can produce an absolute ton of mana and attack!
Since we can generate so much mana through our creatures we can very easily cast a big X spell like Genesis Wave
In conclusion Ezuri is a really fun and awesome deck! This deck is really great for anyone who loves creature pile / stompy style decks that are low to the ground and simple. Ezuri and all of the elves allow us to play a very fast and fun gameplay style casting big spells and permanents very early!
Thanks for reading to the end!