Tuesday Night Takeover

Osseous Sticktwister Graveyard Party Pauper EDH

“I’ll go to my grave about this.”

Art:Osseous Sticktwister by Mathias Kollros

Osseous Sticktwister is a very strong commander and one ive been very excited about since spoiler season, this card absolutely feels like the quintessential mono-black card and is very strong the delirium is very easy to trigger and can really hurt our opponents as the turns go on. If you love graveyard shenanigans with a ton of removal, mill and protection for our own commander I think you will enjoy this one. Without further adieu lets get it!

The Deck:

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Osseous Sticktwister Graveyard Party!

Commander (1)
Osseous Sticktwister

Creatures (28)
Eye Collector
Abyssal Gatekeeper
Lampad of Death’s Vigil
Leaden Myr
Ornithopter of Paradise
Wight of Precinct Six
Appendage Amalgam
Cadaver Imp
Crow of Dark Tidings
Gray Slaad
Screaming Phantom
Sterling Hound
Carrion Grub
Chain Devil
Fanatic of the Harrowing
Hell Mongrel
Mindwrack Harpy
Scurrilous Sentry
Slum Reaper
Fear of the Dark
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Street Wraith
First-Sphere Gargantua
Troll of Khazad-dum
Gloomfang Mauler
Writhing Necromass

Instants (13)
Another Chance
Breathe Your Last
Cast Down
Doom Blade
Feign Death
Ghastly Demise
Ghoul’s Feast
Not Dead After All
Overwhelming Remorse
Snuff Out
Supernatural Stamina
Tragic Slip

Sorceries (10)
Dirge of Dread
Dread Return
Extract a Confession
Feed the Swarm
Final Vengeance
Read the Bones
Sign in Blood
Summon Undead
Syphon Mind

Artifacts (6)
Dross Skullbomb
Shard of Broken Glass
Armory of Iroas
Charcoal Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Infernal Idol

Enchantments (7)
Endless Scream
Kaya’s Ghostform
Dark Privilege
Eternal Thirst
Shade’s Form
Soul Channeling
Lands (35)
Barren Moor
Bojuka Bog
Desert of the Glorified
Evolving Wilds
Polluted Mire
28 Swamp
Terramorphic Expanse
The Dross Pits

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Why Osseous Sticktwister?

Osseous is an extremely strong commander and a huge focal point of our deck; their ability to provide a consistent discard/edict effect can really hurt our opponents, especially when we combine it with other edict effects that are present within the deck. Osseous is almost always my turn two play and I do like to have a little bit of protection for them because they are quite the removal magnet, if your opponents let Osseous stick around they are certainly going to be in trouble.

Deck Matchups:

Since this is Pauper EDH, there are an absolute ton of things that can tip a game in your favor or out of it. While an archetype may seem favorable, there are absolutely good and bad commanders for our deck to go up against; I have included both these, which were all played among my testing groups using various decks, and I have included the sample size for clarity purposes. This is just meant to be a guide after testing a bunch of games with this deck!

The information below is notes about specific decks that were featured in our testing pods and how we fared against them. Naturally, Pauper EDH is a multiplayer game, so these are just a summary of my notes against different commanders and strategies. When we test these decks we try to test to its strengths and weaknesses to give a full spectrum of what the deck has to offer. Various commanders and archetypes/strategies are used to get the most accurate information.

Commanders, we have a good matchup against:

Arabella, Abandoned Doll Record against Arabella, Abandoned Doll 3-0

Being able to have sacrifice effects and routinely keep their commander off of the board allows us to be quite effective in this matchup, by the time the late-game hits we can easily overwhelm them in combat. This is a great matchup for us.

Fynn, the Fangbearer Record against Fynn, the Fangbearer 3-1

Fynn is one of the most popular commander in the format and this deck holds up very well against them, killing their commander really hurts their overall gameplan and the consistent edicts can actively disrupt their board presence and when the board is presence is low and they start discarding its quite tough for them to recover in mono-green.

Sigil Captain Record against Sigil Captain 4-0

Sigil Captain is a very strong matchup for our deck, we eat against most creature decks and as long as we can keep their commander off of the field they really cant do much, they have very little responses to most of our removal as well so its very easy to eat against this deck.

Commanders, we have a tough matchup against:

Crackling Drake Record against Crackling Drake 0-4

Crackling Drake is a very tough matchup for our deck, they have a whole host of bounce effects in the deck and it can be quite hard for us to keep our commander on the board. They have a lot of counterspells as well which can make resolving our biggest and best spells quite tough.

Tor Wauki the Younger Record against Tor Wauki the Younger 0-3

So many damage effects and a ton of removal make it quite hard for us to keep our life total up but keep any creatures on the board, this deck often runs cards like Bojuka Bog as well which can be very tough for our deck and absolutely disrupt and ruin our gameplan.

Balmor, Battlemage Captain Record against Balmor, Battlemage Captain 2-3

This is a tough but winnable matchup for the deck, if Balmor can stick on the field it can be quite tough, even if we are able to kill Balmor if they are able to cast them they can easily have a huge turn and hit us like a truck, even if we consistently keep their commander off of the board they can still come back strong and hit hard. This matchup is absolutely winnable if most of their board presence is denied.

Strategy Overview:

Sacrifice: Sacrificing both our creatures and our opponent’s creatures is a key part of the deck.

Start the graveyard party: We have a ton of strong early-game mill effects like Crow of Dark Tidings, which fills up our graveyard and give us delirium as early as possible.

Protect and Destroy: The deck contains a great balance of protection for our board and removal for our opponents; this allows us to hurt creature-based strategies and protect our own board from the litany of single-target removal within the format.

Deck Overview:

This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck! I also highlighted some of my favorite cards in the deck!


We have a ton of awesome early-game edict effects that can absolutely devastate our opponents like Abyssal Gatekeeper, Fleshbag Marauder and Chain Devil all of these are great options for any stage of the game, we don’t really care if we sacrifice a creature either because actively building delirium is always good for us! We also have a bunch of creatures that directly help us fill our graveyard like Eye Collector and Crow of Dark Tidings. It doesn’t really matter what we mill because as long as we are able to build delirium quickly, we are in business, and the main gameplan of the deck can start. We have some great finisher creatures, with one of the best being Gray Merchant of Asphodel, which is a very strong drain and gain for the deck and can easily end the game on their own but we also have some strong attackers like Writhing Necromass which can be cast very early in the game and dominate the early-game boards. I also love Fear of the Dark which is almost always a 5/5 with menace and deathtouch, which is very hard for our opponents to deal with.


Most of our instant package focuses on removal and we have a ton of awesome spells like Snuff Out, Snuff Out, and Tragic Slip, which are great ways to take out even the best of the best creatures our opponents have to offer. We have a little protection as well like Feign Death and Supernatural Stamina which are great ways to fight through removal, I typically use these on our commander because they are an absolutely huge removal magnet.


Dirge of Dread is the primary finisher for the deck and once we have a big enough board we can drop this and easily eliminate opponents, while there is some decks this card is not great against its quite strong overall and is pretty good more often than not. We mill a lot and fill up our graveyard a lot, so having access to removal like Unearth, Dread Return, and Summon Undead, which are all great ways to bring our big guys back. I touched on Final Vengeance in my duskmourn review and in testing I am loving this card, for this deck its one-mana allows us to exile a creature and helps us get closer to delirium. We round out our sorcery package with quite a bit of card draw, which is great since we dump our hands on the field and discard them quite often.


Since we have our commander on the board early and quite consistently, I really love Armory of Iroas in this deck, as we are able to trigger it early and set up our commander for the mid-late game when our opponent’s creatures get much bigger and better in combat. Infernal Idol and Dross Skullbomb are both great sources of card draw for the deck and can be good on a turn where we are discarding cards quite heavily. We aren’t super focused on discard but we do have some turns where we discard three or four cards.


We have quite a few good aggressive enchantments that help us get a ton of extra damage in, like Endless Scream and Eternal Thirst, which can get out of hand quite quickly and make our damage go through the roof! We also have quite a bit of defense in the form of some protection like Kaya's Ghostform and Dark Privilege, which are both cheap and strong ways to fight through removal, Dark Privilege is especially good because we are able to sacrifice a creature in the early-game which can help to turn on Delirium. We have quite a few more regeneration effects, and in testing, I was able to use these on some of our best creatures, which allows us to fight through the litany of removal our opponents usually have.

Strengths of the Deck:

  • We are very strong against creature-based strategies.
  • Our constant discard or edicts can make it very hard for our opponents to build a board presence.
  • We have a ton of removal within the deck, which is great for this creature-heavy format.

Weaknesses of the Deck:

  • We have tough matchups against Izzet decks or any style of control Strategy.
  • Our commander is a huge part of our deck and can be rough without them.
  • We are extremely weak to graveyard hate.

Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:


Thanks for reading to the end and for all of your support! I hope you all enjoyed the graveyard party as much as I did, Mono-Black and specifically graveyard-focused mono-black feels so good within the format and is just an absolute blast to pilot! Do you have an Osseous Sticktwister deck? If so we’d love to see the list.