Welcome to Tuesday Night Takeover!
Embark on an enchanting journey with our group of devoted Magic the Gathering players who are eager to share their profound articles and enthralling experiences in the realm of spellbinding battles. Delve into a treasure trove of insightful content, as we unveil strategies, anecdotes, and captivating tales from our passionate encounters with the game. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the multiverse, inspire fellow adventurers, and foster a vibrant community united by the love for Magic.
Marauding Mako Discard Voltron Pauper EDH
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We are starting off our Pauper EDH Aetherdrift content strong with Maruading Mako; this is a fast deck that focuses heavily on discard and Voltron packages and can get kills in the early game really easily. When we do come to the mid-late game, we can come in strong with our Voltron package and continue to outpace our opponents. This deck is as mono-red as they come, complete with a ton of drawing and discarding as well as a one-mana commander that can help bring the pain very early. This one is a blast, and if you love aggressiveness and fast-paced gameplay, this is the one for you! Without further ado, let's get it!
Hashaton, Scarab’s Fist Discard Pile Brewed CEDH
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Hashaton is amazing! Since spoiler season, I was really excited to play this deck; while I proxied up and tried a casual EDH version of this deck, I found it was so powerful and just lends itself to being very broken. Because of that, I thought that CEDH would be a natural fit, this deck is very interesting, it looks like a lot of Esper decks but contains some outliers that work great with our commander like Void Winnower, this card can really turn the game on its head and with our commander's ability we can get it out shockingly early. This deck and all of our discard allows us to be decently good against hand disruption as well as some of the more aggressive decks in the format. We fall into the midrange category we can have games where we go super fast and games where we can take it easy. Being in Esper gives us access to the best of the best in terms of removal and protection, allowing us to protect our gameplan and stop our opponents if they get out of hand. I think this deck is going to be really strong within the format! Without further ado, let's get it!
Ten commander cards that need to be reprinted in 2025!
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Reprints are certainly a very hot and a little controversial topic within the MTG community; Card accessibility is something that is really important to me, and players being able to get into cards and decks without exorbitant price tags helps the game a ton. For that reason, I have made a list of 10 cards that absolutely need some reprints, while most of these have had reprints in the past: Masters sets, sets where they are in a special slot or at a lower drop rate, or some cards that just haven't been reprinted in forever are all present on this list. I hope you all enjoy this one, and here's to hoping we see at least some of these cards reprinted in 2025! Without further ado, let's get it!
Top 10 Commander Cards from Aetherdrift!
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Aetherdrift is a set that I'm really excited for, the theme and flavor of the set is just something I have been really enjoying, I am also a big fan of a lot of these cards in the set, there is some really good additions to some of the most popular decks in the format, today we are going to be focusing on ten cards that I think are going to played quite heavily throughout commander! There is a wide range of variety from Aethedrift, from great support cards to powerhouses for big-mana and aggressive strategies, as well as some awesome love for combo decks; this set has a lot for a whole bunch of archetypes. Without further ado, let's get it!