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Embark on an enchanting journey with our group of devoted Magic the Gathering players who are eager to share their profound articles and enthralling experiences in the realm of spellbinding battles. Delve into a treasure trove of insightful content, as we unveil strategies, anecdotes, and captivating tales from our passionate encounters with the game. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the multiverse, inspire fellow adventurers, and foster a vibrant community united by the love for Magic.
Arcus Acolyte Counters Pauper EDH
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Counters, Counters Counters we've all seen them and if you have played Pauper EDH for any amount of time I would be shocked if you hadn't run into a deck focused on +1/+1 counters its a popular archetype and for good reason, Coutners strategies are good and have a lot of support, now that leads us to Arcus Acolyte, you may be wondering what separates Arcus Acolyte from all of the other Counters commanders within the format, what separates them is giving our creautes Outlast which can be strong on turns where combat situations are not advantageous or we have creatures that we just played, that extra +1/+1 can go a long way especially when we have a bunch of newly played creatures on the board or we have creatures that don't give themselves counters, combining that with a bunch of proliferate effects. You have a true recipe for a strong board presence and combat presence. This one is really fun to pilot! Without further ado, let's get it!
Blightcaster Enchantments Pauper EDH
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Blightcaster is here to make all of the creature decks suffer, and since they are a large majority of the format, they are definitely going to suffer,, we are a control deck with a large focus on encahntemnts we are really good against Voltron strategies as well as creature strategies since we can use our enchantments nad our commander to give opponents creatures minus toughness and power quite a bit, combine that with cards that lock down their creatures and force them to pay life or mana and we can really take over a game, while this is deck is quite slow it is quite strong. I am really excited to showcase this one as I think it's criminally underplayed, without further ado, let's get it!
Airdrop Condor Goblins Pauper EDH
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Some would say this is a meme deck, and while I agree to a point, this deck is really fun to play. It can have some really strong games, I love the flavor aspect of being able to drop big goblins on our opponents heads and with a ton of buffs and support within the creature type and the deck we can dish out a lot of damage relatively quickly, one of my favorite aspects of this deck is being able to get in strong attacks with our goblins. After being able to sacrifice them for extra damage, this deck can output a crazy amount of damage and put a lot of pressure on our opponents. Meme or not, this deck is a blast and I am very excited to showcase this one today, without further ado, let's get it!
Sabotage Strategist Control Pauper EDH
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Sabotage Strategiest was a card I held in high regard within my initial rankings of the set. After a bunch of testing, I still think this card is very good for a control strategy. Being able to shut down and limit smaller creatures' attacks can really turn games on their head, and being able to counter any buffs they have can make games against us an absolute struggle. This deck is quite powerful, and while it takes us quite a long time to kill our opponents, we are pretty good at slowing down the game to our pace and slowly taking down our opponents. Without further ado, let's get it!