Tuesday Night Takeover

Rating all of the Blue Commons for Pauper EDH from Duskmourn: House of Horror!

“Was seven strong; now I’m dead and gone.”

We ranked all of the commanders and all of the white commons, so now it’s time to go through all of the blue commons from Duskmourn and evaluate them on a scale from 1-10! Duskmourn has some absolute wins at commons and has cards that help and work well with commanders old and new! Blue is very interesting within Duskmourn, and it is one of the strongest colors for commons; there are a lot of strong cards and pieces of utility at the common level, and I think Duskmourn blue commons will influence a lot of the current blue decks in the format with at least a couple commons. I will also be including some commanders I think these commons would work really well with! Without further adieu, let’s get it!

Rating for Clammy Prowler 9/10:

I am a big fan of Clammy Prowler; not only is its ability core to what a lot of the Voltron and other blue decks that focus on attacking want, it’s quite a defensive creature as well, being a good blocker and a good attacker. I think this deck is great, and I had a ton of success with it in a Voltron Strategy, especially when attacking with some other support creatures. At the same time, the use of this card may be narrow as not all strategies will want it its a very strong card that does wonders in the strategies that want it.

Commanders I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Creeping Peeper 8/10:

Creeping Peeper is a very interesting card, its one of the few mana dorks that blue has and while the use is limited to enchantments and rooms, truthfully mostly enchantments because there are very few rooms within the format but this is great for a deck focused on enchantments, whether they be defensive or offensive enchantments if you are running a lot I think this card is quite strong.

Commanders I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Daggermaw Megalodon 2/10:

Just like the whole cycle of land-cycling creatures that cost six mana, I just find this card unremarkable. I originally that it could be a decent finisher for a low creature count control deck, but there are just so many better options. There isn’t enough land support within the format to justify using this as an island-cycling card either; I don’t think this card is very good.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Don’t Make a Sound 3/10:

I’m not too sure how I feel about this one; in the right deck and something focusing on graveyards, I think this card can be good, but I’m not sure you want a counterspell that you hope your opponents pay for and thus don’t counter the spell. I am not too sure what decks would want to run this; there are already a ton of great counterspell options in the format, like the namesake Counterspell and Arcane Denial that I’m not sure this would make the cut in many decks.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Enter the Enigma 10/10:

This card is great, a cantrip spell is always nice and being able to make a creature unblockable is great, the decks that want this are also the same decks that play Artful Dodge, Shadow Rift and Slip Through Space but this card helps decks that focus on prowess and big damage a lot.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

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Rating for Erratic Apparition 3/10:

This card has some awesome art and is a decently stat-ed creature. The main problem I have with this card is that it doesn’t trigger super often and it doesn’t keep the buffs; I cant see a deck that would want to play this one besides one that cares about a ton of flyers; there arent a ton of one and two mana enchantments that you want to spam out in a turn so I don’t think you will gain a ton of value out of this.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Glimmerburst 2/10:

This card isn’t the worst card, and that’s for sure, but with so much competition with card draw within blue, I don’t think this ever makes the cut for most decks; there are just a lot better options for cheaper, and the glimmer token is rarely relevant.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Meat Locker/Drowned Diner 8/10:

I’m a big fan of this card; I think it’s quite good for control strategies; it has some decent card draw attached as well, but being able to tap down an opponent’s creatures for a few turns can help an absolute ton. I think this card is pretty good within most control strategies.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Otherworldly Gaze 8/10:

While a lot of decks won’t play this, decks that want more and more cards in the graveyard will definitely want this card because it can help fill the graveyard an absolute ton. I am a big fan of this card if its in the right deck.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Piranha Fly 1/10:

A creature with not-that-impressive stats that enters tapped just doesn’t do very much; I can’t think of very many decks that would want to play this card.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Stalked Researcher 3/10:

This is another card that I can’t see being run in a lot of decks; while there are a lot of interesting defender and wall strategies in the format, this is, not that well-stated in terms of high toughness and the conditions to let it attack make this card not very strong.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Thirst for Meaning 3/10:

While obviously comparable to cards like Thirst for Knowledge which isn’t in the format (cmon wizards!), it is quite cool that enchantment strategies got access to this card, but just like some of the other blue draw spells at common, I think this card gets outshined by some of the better card draws within the format. Even with an enchantress deck, I am not a huge fan of this one.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Tunnel Surveyor 2/10:

Another forgettable creature from this set, they just don’t do enough to make the cut within a lot of lists, a 2/2 who makes a 1/1 is just not all that great. I cant foresee many decks running this one.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.

Rating for Twist Reality 8/10:

While I think the use of this card will be narrowed down to decks that want to put stuff in the graveyard, I still think this card is perfectly fine. Its on par with cards that are already played, like Dissolve and works pretty good with Dimir Control or a reanimator strategy.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

Rating for Unable to Scream 10/10:

This card is great, plain, and simple; a comparable card would be Witness Protection, which sees a ton of play, and being able to have an additional copy of a similar effect is very strong. The face-up can’t be turned up. It isn’t super relevant, but you never know. It could become more relevant as the format grows and gets more cards.

Commanders, I think this card would work well with:

I think this card is quite good in most decks that contain blue.

Rating for Underwater Tunnel/Slimy Aquarium 8/10:

This is another card that I think has a pretty narrow list of what wants to play it but overall think it would be quite strong for decks that are looking to fill up their graveyards.

Rating for Vanish from Sight 3/10:

This card is really expensive and that’s what hurts it a ton, there are a ton of cheap bounce effects within the format that pushes this card way down.

I don’t think this card would work well with very many commanders.


Thanks for reading to the end! Blue is a very weird color for Duskmourn as there are some of the best and then some of the worst, but overall, they contributed quite well to the format, and I think that quite a few of these cards will see play. Stay tuned tomorrow for a review of all of the black commons!