“My fists are named Cotton and Candy!”
Art:Greta, Sweettooth Scourge by Steve Prescott
Table of Contents
Todays Featured Commander Is:

Greta is a super fun and brand new commander hitting the Pauper EDH scene, while the food archetype is something we have seen many times in Pauper EDH, Greta is the real deal in this archetype! Greta is just a really flexible commander for very cheap for only 3 mana you get a food token and the ability to draw cards from our foods or buff up our creatures. This flexibility and multiple options allows us to always be doing what we want to be doing Greta is an awesome commander for a really fun deck! Without further adieu lets get it!
The Deck:
Greta, Sweetooth Scourge Food!
Buy This Deck!
Link to Buy This Deck: Greta, Sweettooth Scourge Food Pauper EDH
Why Greta, Sweettooth Scourge?
The main reason we chose Greta is how well they work within the Golgari and food archetype! Greta is just a great efficient creature that can come down early and provides value for as long as Greta is on the field, activating Greta’s ability in response or in combat are both great options that make them the real deal commander for the food deck! Greta is a ton of fun as a commander and just super good for the Food Archetype!
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck!
We are a green deck so we of course have Elvish Mystic as a little mana ramp, we are truthfully light on mana ramp but we have a low overall mana cost, and in testing this didn’t matter that much. Blood Seeker
is a really good card that punishes aggressive and token strategies and is just a great way to whittle down our opponents! Cirith Ungol Patrol
is a big creature with a big body, that is also a great food producer. Another great creature is Fangren Marauder
which is a super big payoff for sacrificing our food tokens and is really just overall a great card when we can gain 8 life off of our food sacrifice!
Marauding Blight-Priest and Epicure of Blood
We have a decent removal suite in our deck with cards like Bake into a Pie
Broken Bond
We are a Golgari deck so Golgari Signet
Since we are a Golgari deck we do have some bigger creatures / spells to cast so cards like Gift of Paradise
Land Base:
Our land base is a little diversified we have the cycling lands like Tranquil Thicket
Strengths of the Deck:
- Strong Against Aggressive Strategies
- Commander is a draw engine
- A ton of interaction
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to Creature Hate
- Weak against spellpile strategies, no real way to defend against it
- Weak to artifact hate
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops in the deck but with the combination of all of our buffs from Greta and our other creatures with cool cards like Mirkwood Bats
In conclusion Greta is a really fun Golgari toolbox style commander who for only 3 mana offers a ton to the deck and is the perfect leader, whether we need buffs or cards Greta is perfect for that role! This deck is a ton of fun to play and in testing was one of my favorite pauper EDH decks we’ve built to date! Hope you enjoyed this article, dont forget you can always request a new commander for PDH, CEDH, EDH and Budget EDH on our twitter or our discord! Thanks for reading to the end!