Tuesday Night Takeover
Post has published by BigDoinks

Link to Article Here: Intro to Commoner: Rules Overview and how to get started Guide!

Need Flesh and Blood cards? Check out WNYGaming.com!

$10 Kayo Brute Beatdown!

Click here to copy full decklist to your clipboard!
Hero / Weapon / Equipment
Mandible Claw
Barkbone Strapping
Gauntlet of Might
Flat Trackers
The Deck:
Pitch 1:
2x Agile Windup (Red)
2x Assault and Battery (Red)
2x Bare Fangs (Red)
2x Bonebreaker Bellow (Red)
2x Madcap Charger (Red)
2x Predatory Assault (Red)
2x Savage Swing (Red)
2x Smash Instinct (Red)
2x Wild Ride (Red)
Pitch 2:
2x Agile Windup (Yel)
2x Assault and Battery (Yel)
2x Predatory Assault (Yel)
2x Zealous Belting (Yel)
Pitch 3:
2x Agile Windup (Blu)
2x Assault and Battery (Blu)
2x Mighty Windup (Blu)
2x Pound Town (Blu)
2x Savage Swing (Blu)
2x Smash Instinct (Blu)
2x Wild Ride (Blu)
Pitch 1:
2x Oasis Respite (Red)
2x Sink Below (Red)
Nullrune Hood
Heartened Cross Strap
Nullrune Gloves

$10 Dorinthea Aggro Axes!

Click here to copy full decklist to your clipboard!
Hero / Weapon / Equipment
Hatchet of Body
Hatchet of Mind
Ironrot Helm
Blossom of Spring
Gallantry Gold
Refraction Bolters
The Deck:
Pitch 1:
2x Agile Engagement (Red)
2x Blade Runner (Red)
2x Engaged Swiftblade (Red)
2x Hit and Run (Red)
2x Ironsong Response (Red)
2x Lead with Speed (Red)
2x Push Forward (Red)
2x Second Swing (Red)
2x Sharpen Steel (Red)
2x Thrust (Red)
2x Vigorous Engagement (Red)
Pitch 2:
2x Blade Runner (Yel)
2x Hit and Run (Yel)
Pitch 3:
2x Blade Flash (Blu)
2x Blade Runner (Blu)
2x Hit and Run (Blu)
2x Lead with Speed (Blu)
2x Puncture (Blu)
2x Push Forward (Blu)
2x Sharpen Steel (Blu)
Pitch 1:
2x Sink Below (Red)
Pitch 3:
2x Brandish (Blu)
Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Gloves