Tuesday Night Takeover

Intro to Pauper EDH

“It’s like normal commander if you removed all of the problems with the format”

Art:Seal of the Guildpact by Franz Vohwinkel

Our Pauper EDH Story:

It all started in July of this year when I was scrolling through Reddit and got suggested the Pauper EDH subreddit. I took a look and read through the format rules and was pretty excited and hyped about it. I reached out to the TNT team and showed them to it, it was during that discussion we decided that Pauper EDH would go into the weekly article rotation. After building and testing two decks we decided as a group that our weekly playgroup meeting would feature at least half the games as Pauper EDH. From there it only got worse! Nearly every game became PDH, we have friends in our group in various financial situations so Pauper EDH allowed everyone to come together at the table and have fun with us. Needless to say, we were hooked and have been hooked. This format is so much fun to build and play and has been life-changing for both my love and perspective on playing magic.

What is Pauper EDH?

Pauper EDH is a 100-card format that only allows an uncommon in the command zone, and 99 commons make up the deck. The same rules of color identity apply as in traditional commander. There is a very limited ban list that you can find below!

Why Should I Play Pauper EDH?

Pauper EDH helps to address many problems that currently exist within EDH. Those main three, in my opinion, are accessibility, too many broken decks, and lack of variety in strategies. Because of the high power and optimization of a lot of EDH as well as general power-creep EDH has become a format that is tuned highly efficient and fast, while some players love this many feel pushed out by this so for me and many other that is where Pauper EDH comes in. Pauper EDH also has an extremely low cost of entry, with some decks costing only five dollars. A variety of strategies comes from so many different options for commanders; while the typical archetypes are still an option, there is a ton of room for interesting and new ideas focusing on deck styles and creature types.

Format Rules:

Pauper EDH can be played as a multiplayer game, typically designed for 3-4, and the rules are as follows:

30 Starting Life
16 Commander Damage
One Free Mulligan
The player going first does draw a card on their first turn.

There is a separate rule set for two-player Pauper EDH, and those rules are as follows:

25 Starting Life
21 Commander Damage
No Free Mulligan
The player going first does not draw a card on their first turn.


The banlist for multiplayer is short and sweet and only has:

Mystic Remora

Rhystic Study

All cards that Wizards has removed from constructed formats (full list here)
All cards with the Conspiracy card type (full list here)

There is also a banlist for two-player Pauper EDH, and only has:


Loyal Apprentice

Agent of the Shadow Thieves

All cards that Wizards has removed from constructed formats (full list here)
All cards with the Conspiracy card type (full list here)

Source for Banlist Information: (PDHhomebase.com)

How Do I Get Started?

It’s super easy to get started. Whether you search through some of your bulk cards and find a ton of uncommons / commons or watch content on Pauper EDH it’s very easy to get started. Just like commander, the main way to get started is to find a deck and a commander you would like to do. Many of the resources to find Pauper EDH decks are linked throughout this article. Finding a playgroup can be easy as well, whether playing over sites like Discord or any video-sharing platform or going to your local playgroup or LGS and suggesting people start playing, it has a very low cost to get going and is so much fun!

5 Non-Legendary Starter Decks For Pauper EDH:

One of my favorite parts of Pauper EDH is the freedom in deck-building, allowing you to use any uncommon creature as your commander. This freedom allows you to build so many cool decks! Ever seen an uncommon that had the abilities of a legendary? Now, you can have them at the helm of a deck. Below are five decks that all feature non-legendary commanders.

Deck #1: Sprite Dragon Spellslingers

Sprite Dragon is an awesome commander who loves it when spells are cast, and we love it too! This deck is a fun spell slinger-style deck whose main payoff lies in the command zone and knocking our opponents off one by one with commander damage. Since this deck is Izzet, there is a bunch of opportunity for unblockable commanders and controlling combat, especially those who can block. This deck is perfect for any player who loves to feel like a wizard, cast, and keep on casting!

Main Features of the Deck: Spellslinging, Card Draw, Stack Interaction, Attacking with your commander

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Sprite Dragon Spellslinging!

Commander (1)
Sprite Dragon

Creatures (10)
Erebor Flamesmith
Firebrand Archer
Goblin Electromancer
Kessig Flamebreather
Spellgorger Weird
Ardent Elementalist

Instant (27)
Arcane Denial
Balduvian Rage
Barge In
Big Score
Blazing Crescendo
Blink of an Eye
Disdainful Stroke
Essence Scatter
Fists of Flame
Izzet Charm
Psychotic Fury
Shadow Rift
Shattering Pulse
Shore Up
Soul’s Fire
Temur Battle Rage
Think Twice
Veil of Secrecy
You Come to the Gnoll Camp

Sorceries (12)
Artful Dodge
Assault Strobe
Coronation of Chaos
Crash Through
Distortion Strike
End the Festivities
Serum Visions
Sleight of Hand
Slip Through Space
Winged Words

Artifacts (8)
Beamtown Beatstick
Mirran Banesplitter
Arcane Signet
Fire Diamond
Izzet Signet
Sky Diamond
Wedding Invitation

Enchantments (7)
Aqueous Form
Dust Corona
Sticky Fingers
Witness Protection
Cloak of Mists
Fall from Favor
Protective Bubble
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Desert of the Fervent
Desert of the Mindful
Dwarven Mine
Evolving Wilds
Forgotten Cave
Lonely Sandbar
Molten Tributary
13 Mountain
Remote Isle
Swiftwater Cliffs
Terramorphic Expanse
The Autonomous Furnace
The Surgical Bay

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Deck #2: Silver-Fur Master Ninjitsu

Silver-Fur Master is a very cool commander who supports and buffs up two cool creature types in Rogues and Ninjas. Both are a ton of fun, especially when utilizing the ninjutsu abilities. This deck has a lot of control elements but is a combat deck that wants to attack as early and often as possible while gaining a ton of card advantage and controlling the board and stack through many of the Dimir offerings.

Main features of the deck: Combat tricks, chipping in with damage nearly every turn, a ton of counterspells, and removal

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Silver-Fur Master Ninjitsu!

Commander (1)
Silver-Fur Master

Creatures (30)
Changeling Outcast
Slither Blade
Aetherblade Agent
Blighted Agent
Dimir Infiltrator
Frogtosser Banneret
Gray Harbor Merfolk
Hoard Robber
Looter il-Kor
Moon-Circuit Hacker
Rathi Trapper
Alley Strangler
Audacious Thief
Ghostly Changeling
Neurok Invisimancer
Neurok Spy
Phantom Ninja
Undercity Scrounger
Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade
Azure Fleet Admiral
Moonblade Shinobi
Mukotai Ambusher
Ninja of the Deep Hours
Infiltrator il-Kor
Ninja of the New Moon
Okiba-Gang Shinobi
Canal Courier
Dokuchi Shadow-Walker
Troll of Khazad-dum

Instants (14)
Arcane Denial
Cast Down
Crypt Incursion
Disdainful Stroke
Doom Blade
Essence Scatter
Go for the Throat
Grasp of Darkness
Raise the Draugr
Urza’s Rebuff

Sorceries (10)
Distortion Strike
Kaito’s Pursuit
Lórien Revealed
Night’s Whisper
Read the Bones
Return from Extinction
Sign in Blood

Artifacts (4)
Arcane Signet
Dimir Signet
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament

Enchantments (5)
Aqueous Form
Kaya’s Ghostform
Security Bypass
Helm of the Ghastlord
Lands (36)
Barren Moor
Command Tower
Desert of the Glorified
Desert of the Mindful
Evolving Wilds
12 Island
Lonely Sandbar
Polluted Mire
Remote Isle
14 Swamp
Terramorphic Expanse
The Surgical Bay

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Deck #3: Marchesa’s Smuggler Big Boy Stompy

Marchesa’s Smuggler is a very small and aggressive commander who has an absolutely insane ability. Making a creature hasty and unblockable for only three mana can get crazy, especially in the late game. While we are not playing green, we are still a stompy deck, so mana production is key for us, and we have a lot of spells, creature, and artifact-based ramps to help us cast our huge permanents early. Combine all that with a control shell that comes with being in Izzet, and you have a recipe for fun, at least for us.

Main features of the deck: Attacking with huge creatures, controlling the board the counterspells and some removal, unblockable guaranteed combat damage

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Marchesa's Smuggler Big Boy Stompy!

Commander (1)
Marchesa’s Smuggler

Creatures (27)
Iron Myr
Looter il-Kor
Ornithopter of Paradise
Reckless Barbarian
Silver Myr
Spelleater Wolverine
Tandem Lookout
Amphin Pathmage
Azure Fleet Admiral
Battle-Rattle Shaman
Crimson Fleet Commodore
Havoc Devils
Heirs of Stromkirk
Warden of Geometries
Frost Ogre
Tiamat’s Fanatics
Boarding Party
Canal Courier
Glacial Crasher
Oceanus Dragon
Pyre Spawn
Ruin Processor
Spined Megalodon
Eldrazi Devastator
Ulamog’s Crusher

Instants (13)
Arcane Denial
Big Score
Desperate Ritual
Disdainful Stroke
Essence Scatter
Pyretic Ritual
Quick Study
Seething Song
Temur Battle Rage
Unexpected Windfa

Sorceries (7)
Artful Dodge
Coronation of Chaos
Deep Analysis
Mana Geyser
Slip Through Space

Artifacts (13)
Arcane Signet
Fellwar Stone
Fire Diamond
Izzet Signet
Sky Diamond
Thought Vessel
Wedding Invitation
Decanter of Endless Water
Izzet Cluestone
Izzet Locket
Whispersilk Cloak
Brass Knuckles

Enchantments (4)
Aqueous Form
Sticky Fingers
Cloak of Mists
Protective Bubble
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Desert of the Fervent
Desert of the Mindful
Evolving Wilds
14 Island
Izzet Boilerworks
11 Mountain
Swiftwater Cliffs
Terramorphic Expanse
The Autonomous Furnace
The Surgical Bay
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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Deck #4: Skemfar Shadowsage Vampires

Skemfar Shadowmage is an awesome card that can be an absolute powerhouse if it comes down in the mid-late game. Skemfar also allows us to be positioned well against aggressive strategies since we can also gain a ton of life off of it. We are a vampire deck through and through, and there are a ton of strong vampires within mono-black; many of them are naturally evasive, which can help us chip in damage before going in for a big hit with Skemfar Shadowmage. This deck is cool, and I think will be loved by anyone who plays vampires in other formats or loves the playstyle and feelings of mono-black.

Main Features of the Deck: Ton of vampire synergies, Recursion, ton of removal for threats on the board

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Skemfar Shadowsage Vampires!

Commander (1)
Skemfar Shadowsage

Creatures (33)
Carrion Feeder
Guul Draz Vampire
Pulse Tracker
Shadow Alley Denizen
Viscera Seer
Blood Burglar
Child of Night
Creeping Bloodsucker
Dusk Legion Zealot
Olivia’s Dragoon
Vampire Interloper
Vermin Gorger
Arrogant Outlaw
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Chosen of Markov
Gluttonous Guest
Midnight Assassin
Nocturnal Feeder
Savage Gorger
Skymarch Bloodletter
Vampire Envoy
Vampire Spawn
Voracious Vampire
Bat Whisperer
Bloodcrazed Socialite
Driver of the Dead
Falkenrath Noble
Anointed Deacon
Blood Glutton
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Twins of Maurer Estate
Vampire Sovereign
Bloodborn Scoundrels

Instants (16)
Cast Down
Crypt Incursion
Deadly Dispute
Demonic Gifts
Doom Blade
Fake Your Own Death
Feign Death
Go for the Throat
Moment of Craving
Raise the Draugr
Supernatural Stamina
Tragic Slip
Undying Evil
Wail of the Nim

Sorceries (5)
Feed the Swarm
Night’s Whisper
Read the Bones
Sign in Blood
Soul Salvage

Artifacts (6)
Blood Fountain
Ceremonial Knife
Arcane Signet
Charcoal Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament

Enchantments (4)
Kaya’s Ghostform
Eternal Thirst
Ill-Gotten Inheritance
Lands (35)
Barren Moor
Command Tower
Evolving Wilds
Mortuary Mire
Polluted Mire
28 Swamp
Terramorphic Expanse
The Dross Pits

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Deck #5: Ramosian Captain Rebels

Rebels are one of magic’s oldest creature types, and my old playgroup used to joke that they had a deck in nearly every format, and I must say they were right! I like this deck a ton. Being able to grab specific rebels at whim can be very strong. In addition to that, we are a total white weenie-style strategy focusing on filling the board and putting as many buffs on them as we can. We have a mini-voltron package since some of the rebels thrive when equipped. I love this deck as it feels like classic mono-white and classic magic.

Main Features of the Deck: Ton of rebel Synergy, easy to pull specific creatures out of the deck, ton of big swing buffs for our creatures

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Ramosian Captain Rebels!

Commander (1)
Ramosian Captain

Creatures (25)
Children of Korlis
Ramosian Sergeant
Samite Censer-Bearer
Amrou Scout
Blade of the Sixth Pride
Defiant Falcon
Errant Doomsayers
Fresh Volunteers
Impostor of the Sixth Pride
Ramosian Lieutenant
Steadfast Guard
Amrou Seekers
Aven Riftwatcher
Devout Witness
Leonin Lightbringer
Nightwind Glider
Saltfield Recluse
Soltari Visionary
Soul Charmer
Zealot il-Vec
Irregular Cohort
Trenching Steed
Eagles of the North

Instants (17)
Celestial Flare
Coordinated Charge
Crib Swap
Dawn Charm
Destroy Evil
Generous Gift
Guardians’ Pledge
Inspired Charge
Leave No Trace
Ramosian Rally
True Love’s Kiss
Your Temple Is Under Attack

Sorceries (7)
Inspiring Roar
Kytheon’s Tactics
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Righteous Charge
Settle Beyond Reality
Silverflame Ritual

Artifacts (10)
Arcane Signet
Armory of Iroas
Goldvein Pick
Greatsword of Tyr
Marble Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament
Brass Knuckles

Enchantments (5)
Bonds of Faith
Journey to Nowhere
Bound in Silence
Oblivion Ring
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Drifting Meadow
Evolving Wilds
28 Plains
Secluded Steppe
Terramorphic Expanse
The Fair Basilica
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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5 Legendary Starter Decks For Pauper EDH:

Non-legendary commanders are awesome and one of my favorite parts of Pauper EDH, but let’s not forget there are a ton of awesome traditional legendary creatures at uncommon to lead your deck. Below are five decks that use legendary commanders.

Deck #1: Tatyova, Benthic Druid Landfall Ramp

This is one that is pretty similar to EDH where Tatyova is extremely strong and just an absolute bomb of a commander, this card is crazy strong and is a card advantage machine. While this version is certainly not as strong as the EDH version it is an absolute blast and great for any land lover that you know. This deck is full in on control and controlling the board.

Main features of the deck: Ton of ramp, cast big late game creatures early, control the board through counterspells

I have done a full article/primer and you can find that here: Tatyova, Benthic Druid Simic Landfall Ramp Pauper EDH

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Tatyova, Benthic Druid Landfall Ramp!

Commander (1)
Tatyova, Benthic Druid

Creatures (33)
Arboreal Grazer
Elvish Mystic
Jaddi Offshoot
Llanowar Elves
Spore Frog
Kazandu Nectarpot
Llanowar Scout
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Scaled Herbalist
Soratami Cloudskater
Soratami Rainshaper
Territorial Scythecat
Yavimaya Elder
Aven Fogbringer
Baloth Gorger
Canopy Baloth
Kavu Primarch
Mold Shambler
Windrider Eel
Beanstalk Wurm
Crash of Rhino Beetles
Territorial Baloth
Greater Tanuki
Kazandu Stomper
Wave-Wing Elemental
Annoyed Altisaur
Eldrazi Devastator
Maelstrom Colossus
Ulamog’s Crusher

Instants (10)
Arcane Denial
Crop Rotation
Essence Scatter
Growth Spiral
Oona’s Grace
Return to Nature
Swell of Growth
Tragic Lesson

Sorceries (14)
Atraxa’s Fall
Broken Bond
Fractal Summoning
Journey of Discovery
Kodama’s Reach
Nature’s Lore
Rampant Growth
Scale the Heights
Skyshroud Claim

Enchantments (4)
Utopia Sprawl
Wild Growth
Witness Protection
Lands (38)
Brokers Hideout
Command Tower
Evolving Wilds
15 Forest
13 Island
Simic Growth Chamber
Slippery Karst
Terminal Moraine
Terramorphic Expanse
The Hunter Maze
The Surgical Bay
Tranquil Thicket

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Deck #2: Jalira, Master Polymorphist Eldrazi Polymorphs

Our deck aims to get the smallest and most disposable creature out there early so when Jalira comes out. We can polymorph into a huge bomb. If you thought cards like Ulamog's Crusher, imagine how good they are three to four turns early. Since we don’t have an early board presence, we have a ton of countermagic and a bunch of spot removal for creatures/commanders of our opponents.

Main features of the deck: Not a strong board presence early, attacking and ending games with often only one creature, tons of countermagic

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Jalira, Master Polymorphist Polymorphs!

Commander (1)
Jalira, Master Polymorphist

Creatures (7)
Goliath Sphinx
Mirrorshell Crab
Ruin Processor
Eldrazi Devastator
Ulamog’s Crusher
Depth Charge Colossus
Hand of Emrakul

Instant (20)
Abstruse Interference
Arcane Denial
Crush Dissent
Deceive the Messenger
Devious Cover-Up
Disdainful Stroke
Essence Scatter
Flip the Switch
Geist Snatch
High Tide
Keep Safe
Revenge of the Drowned
Spell Pierce
Turn Aside

Sorceries (14)
Amass the Components
Callous Dismissal
Clear the Mind
Dream Cache
Hard Evidence
Into the Fae Court
Ojutai’s Summons
Relentless Advance
Secrets of the Golden City
See Beyond
Stream of Thought

Artifacts (11)
Flayer Husk
Arcane Signet
Guardian Idol
Neurok Stealthsuit
Nimblewright Schematic
Sky Diamond
Wedding Invitation

Enchantments (12)
Aqueous Form
Wind Zendikon
Witness Protection
Diplomatic Immunity
Security Bypass
Deep Freeze
Fall from Favor
Protective Bubble
Tricks of the Trade
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Cradle of the Accursed
Desert of the Mindful
Evolving Wilds
27 Island
Lonely Sandbar
Remote Isle
Terramorphic Expanse
The Surgical Bay

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Deck #3: Cadira, Caller of the Small Tokens

Cadira is an awesome commander who focuses on dealing damage with her and making an army of rabbits to swing out against our opponents. We don’t have a strong creature presence in the early game but by the mid-game we are token’d up and ready to make more and prepare for the big swing. Selenya is a fun color combination, and I greatly enjoy this deck. You’ve never lived until you’ve attacked with 45 rabbits while staring at a friend in your playgroup!

Main features of the deck: Token production, huge board presence, not really caring what opponents are doing

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Cadira, Caller of the Small Tokens!

Commander (1)
Cadira, Caller of the Small

Creatures (20)
Avacyn’s Pilgrim
Soul Warden
Soul’s Attendant
Steadfast Unicorn
Anointer Priest
Cathar Commando
Selesnya Evangel
Carefree Swinemaster
Crusader of Odric
Scion of the Wild
Seller of Songbirds
Twin-Silk Spider
Warded Battlements
Celebrity Fencer
Kozilek’s Predator
Basilica Shepherd
Elturgard Ranger
Loxodon Partisan
Eagles of the North
Pegasus Guardian

Instants (10)
Charge of the Mites
Crib Swap
Generous Gift
Loran’s Escape
Raise the Alarm
Return to Nature
Scatter the Seeds
Sprout Swarm
You’re Confronted by Robbers
Your Temple Is Under Attack

Sorceries (17)
Atraxa’s Fall
Battle Screech
Call the Cavalry
Captain’s Call
Cenn’s Enlistment
Chatter of the Squirrel
Crack Open
Gather the Townsfolk
Inspiring Roar
Queen’s Commission
Recruitment Drive
Saproling Migration
Settle Beyond Reality
Silverflame Ritual
Triplicate Spirits
You Meet in a Tavern

Artifacts (11)
Cliffhaven Kitesail
Ancestral Blade
Arcane Signet
Cloak of the Bat
Fleetfeather Sandals
Goldvein Pick
Greatsword of Tyr
Marble Diamond
Moss Diamond
Selesnya Signet
Whispersilk Cloak

Enchantments (6)
Cartouche of Solidarity
Fists of Ironwood
Journey to Nowhere
Master Chef
Oblivion Ring
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Evolving Wilds
12 Forest
Hidden Courtyard
Hidden Nursery
15 Plains
Terramorphic Expanse
The Fair Basilica
The Hunter Maze
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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Deck #4: Iraxxa, Empress of Mars Suspend

Iraxxa is a sweet alien who focuses on things like suspending and casting things from outside our hands, our reward for that is some more sweet aliens. While we have some strong attackers within the deck, the created aliens are great attackers and blockers for the deck and can easily overwhelm our opponents. This deck is fun and features a ton of the chaos you would expect from Mono-Red. Whether you are a doctor who fan or not this deck is a blast.

Main features of the deck: Ton of token production from our commander, decent amount of direct damage effects, draw a ton of cards and cast a ton of spells

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Iraxxa, Empress of Mars Suspend!

Commander (1)
Iraxxa, Empress of Mars

Creatures (20)
Dark-Dweller Oracle
Ratcatcher Trainee
Rimrock Knight
Underworld Rage-Hound
Bloodmad Vampire
Merchant of the Vale
Scorn Effigy
Tuskeri Firewalker
Witty Roastmaster
Fuming Effigy
Goblin Researcher
Grabby Giant
Warehouse Thief
Young Red Dragon
Keldon Halberdier
Reckless Wurm
Boarding Party
Fang Dragon

Instants (16)
Big Score
Blazing Crescendo
Cast into the Fire
Demon Bolt
Electric Revelation
Faithless Salvaging
Fiery Temper
Flaring Pain
Lava Dart
Lightning Bolt
Red Elemental Blast
Unexpected Windfall

Sorceries (20)
Abandon the Post
Alchemist’s Greeting
Cathartic Reunion
Coronation of Chaos
Cosmotronic Wave
Crash Through
Daring Discovery
Direct Current
Dwarven Reinforcements
Faithless Looting
Flame Jab
Gravitic Punch
Maximize Velocity
Nightbird’s Clutches
Reckless Charge
Rift Bolt
Satyr’s Cunning
Wrenn’s Resolve

Artifacts (4)
Experimental Synthesizer
Arcane Signet
Fire Diamond
Bonder’s Ornament

Enchantments (4)
Impact Tremors
Etali’s Favor
Raid Bombardment
Tavern Brawler
Lands (35)
Desert of the Fervent
Dwarven Mine
Evolving Wilds
Forgotten Cave
Hidden Volcano
28 Mountain
Terramorphic Expanse
The Autonomous Furnace

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Deck #5: Narfi, Betrayer King Zombies

Narfi is an awesome commander who cares about snow and zombies and buffs both of them, and good for us is that we have both of those! Narfi is just a powerhouse of a commander who makes our deck better, and with all of the support that zombies have, it’s just icing on the cake because zombies are quite strong. This deck is a lot of fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially enjoy the more control elements.

Main features of the deck: Tons of zombie synergy, tons of snow payoffs, decent amount of control/removal elements

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Narfi, Betrayer King Zombies!

Commander (1)
Narfi, Betrayer King

Creatures (30)
Carrion Feeder
Changeling Outcast
Rimebound Dead
Butcher Ghoul
Doomed Dissenter
Highborn Ghoul
Priest of the Haunted Edge
Shepherd of Rot
Siege Zombie
Walking Dead
Wight of Precinct Six
Aven Eternal
Chilling Shade
Falcon Abomination
Gangrenous Zombies
Grim Draugr
Hobbling Zombie
Severed Legion
Infectious Horror
Infernal Caretaker
Vengeful Dead
Zombie Musher
Diregraf Horde
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Rot-Tide Gargantua
Gempalm Polluter
Maalfeld Twins
Twisted Abomination
Writhing Necromass

Instants (14)
Arcane Denial
Cast Down
Crypt Incursion
Disdainful Stroke
Doom Blade
Essence Scatter
Flip the Switch
Go for the Throat
Raise the Draugr
Rotten Reunion

Sorceries (12)
Cemetery Recruitment
Crawl from the Cellar
Dirge of Dread
Distant Melody
Ghoulcaller’s Chant
Moan of the Unhallowed
Night’s Whisper
No Way Out
Return from Extinction
Sign in Blood

Artifacts (4)
Arcane Signet
Charcoal Diamond
Dimir Signet
Sky Diamond

Enchantments (4)
Awesome Presence
Witness Protection
Fall from Favor
Clutch of Undeath
Lands (35)
Barren Moor
Command Tower
Desert of the Glorified
Desert of the Mindful
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Mortuary Mire
Polluted Mire
11 Snow-Covered Island
15 Snow-Covered Swamp
Terramorphic Expanse

5 Budget Starter Decks For Pauper EDH:

Pauper EDH is quite budget as it is so budget decks in PDH may look very similar but typically don’t include some of the more expensive commons that are older. Below are five decks ranging from 7 – 24 dollars

Deck #1: Destiny Spinner Auras

Mono-green naturally lends itself to being on the budget side; this deck is no exception. Destiny Spinner is a cheap and easy-to-cast commander who can give control and other counterspell-heavy strategies a tough time as we buff up our creatures and swing for the fences. This deck is as mono-green as they come and beautifully budget coming in at $15.43, according to Moxfield.com. This deck is a perfect intro to the format and won’t hurt your wallet to check it out!

Main Features of the Deck: Stompy creature-based deck, similar to Voltron strategies, we heavily buff one creature, removal that focuses on flyers

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Destiny Spinner Auras!

Commander (1)
Destiny Spinner

Creatures (20)
Elvish Mystic
Fang of Shigeki
Bamboo Grove Archer
Leafcrown Dryad
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Aura Gnarlid
Llanowar Visionary
Nexus Wardens
Silvanus’s Invoker
Territorial Scythecat
Yavimaya Elder
Yavimaya Enchantress
Gnarlback Rhino
Entourage of Trest
Nylea’s Forerunner
Shrine Steward
Greater Tanuki
Humbler of Mortals
Nyxborn Colossus

Instants (7)
Broken Wings
Moment’s Peace
Return to Nature
Return to the Earth
Season of Renewal

Sorceries (4)
Atraxa’s Fall
Kodama’s Reach
Rofellos’s Gift

Artifacts (3)
Moss Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament

Enchantments (30)
Abundant Growth
Frog Tongue
Predatory Hunger
Spider Umbra
Utopia Sprawl
Wild Growth
Aether Web
Dragon Fangs
Fists of Ironwood
Gaea’s Touch
Jolrael’s Favor
Setessan Training
Talons of Wildwood
Treetop Bracers
Ancestral Mask
Beastmaster’s Magemark
Broken Fall
Cartouche of Strength
Elephant Guide
Gift of Paradise
Nature’s Embrace
Serpent Skin
Snake Umbra
Verdant Haven
Predatory Impetus
Lands (35)
Cave of Temptation
Command Tower
Desert of the Indomitable
Evolving Wilds
25 Forest
Hidden Nursery
Slippery Karst
Terramorphic Expanse
The Hunter Maze
Tocasia’s Dig Site
Tranquil Thicket

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Deck #2: Thrakkus the Butcher Dragons

Thrakkus is a commander who is perfect for dragons and can make even the smallest and weakest into formidable attackers. Dragons are one of magic and general fantasies’ oldest creature types, and man, and they are just a ton of fun! This deck focuses on ramping and playing out some of our early-game creatures to curve into Thrakkus as quickly as possible, and then from there, we are on the stompy game plan. This deck is perfect for a new player or even to get someone interested in Pauper EDH or magic at large. This deck also runs very cheaply at $14.30, according to Moxfield.com

Main features of the deck: Dragons, Stompy gameplay elements, a lot of establishing your own board and not caring what opponents are doing

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Thrakkus the Butcher Dragons!

Commander (1)
Thrakkus the Butcher

Creatures (28)
Elvish Mystic
Dragon Hatchling
Dragonlord’s Servant
Goblin Anarchomancer
Masked Vandal
Reckless Barbarian
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Scaled Nurturer
Bhaal’s Invoker
Dragon Egg
Ambitious Dragonborn
Battle-Rattle Shaman
Furnace Whelp
Jaded Sell-Sword
Lurking Green Dragon
Stirring Bard
War-Spike Changeling
Young Red Dragon
Avenging Hunter
Game-Trail Changeling
Lightning Shrieker
Plundering Predator
Rapacious Dragon
Sparktongue Dragon
Tiamat’s Fanatics
Chardalyn Dragon
Scion of Ugin
Dread Linnorm

Instants (10)
Big Score
Breath Weapon
Crash the Ramparts
Draconic Roar
Dragon’s Fire
Raking Claws
Return to Nature
Unexpected Windfall

Sorceries (11)
Assault Strobe
Atraxa’s Fall
Bloody Betrayal
Coronation of Chaos
Crack Open
Hazardous Blast
Hull Breach
Kodama’s Reach
Rampant Growth
Renegade Tactics

Artifacts (9)
Arcane Signet
Fire Diamond
Gruul Signet
Moss Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament
Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind
Jade Orb of Dragonkind

Enchantments (4)
Dragon Fangs
Fists of Ironwood
Battle Plan
Lands (37)
Command Tower
Desert of the Fervent
Desert of the Indomitable
Evolving Wilds
13 Forest
15 Mountain
Slippery Karst
Terramorphic Expanse
The Autonomous Furnace
The Hunter Maze
Tranquil Thicket

Deck #3: Sardian Cliffstomper Voltron

Sardian Cliffstomper is a commander with a very cool ability that only has two other decks on Moxfield, which is quite surprising to me since Sardian Cliffstomper lends itself perfectly to the Voltron playstyle. This deck has the true feeling of a mono-red deck as it is pretty quick and aggressive and is perfect against a table of mid-range or late-game style decks since we can take an early advantage. This deck is a little high up on the budget chain, coming in at $22.91 according to Moxfield.com, which is a decent amount for Pauper EDH, which I think speaks to the accessibility and affordability of the format.

Main features of the deck: Glass-Cannon, Aggressive in the early game, quick one-shot kills often

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Sardian Cliffstomper Voltron!

Commander (1)
Sardian Cliffstomper

Creatures (12)
Goblin Gaveleer
Champion of the Flame
Firebrand Archer
Kessig Flamebreather
Reckless Fireweaver
Bladegraft Aspirant
Foundry Inspector
Kazuul’s Toll Collector
Spellgorger Weird
Crimson Fleet Commodore

Instants (12)
Big Score
Galvanic Blast
Lightning Bolt
Red Elemental Blast
Searing Blaze
Temur Battle Rage
Thrill of Possibility
Uncaged Fury
Unexpected Windfall

Sorceries (7)
Assault Strobe
Cathartic Reunion
Coronation of Chaos
Faithless Looting
Flame Slash
Go for Blood
Gravitic Punch

Artifacts (28)
Accorder’s Shield
Beamtown Beatstick
Darksteel Axe
Dueling Rapier
Golem-Skin Gauntlets
Honed Khopesh
Skyblinder Staff
Tormentor’s Helm
Arcane Signet
Armory of Iroas
Blight Sickle
Cloak of the Bat
Executioner’s Hood
Fire Diamond
Goldvein Pick
Javelin of Lightning
Jousting Lance
Lightning Spear
Scavenged Blade
Vorrac Battlehorns
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament
Gimli’s Axe
Haunted Cloak
Whispersilk Cloak
Brass Knuckles

Enchantments (4)
Giant Spectacle
Madcap Skills
Claws of Valakut
Granite Grip
Lands (36)
Cave of Temptation
Command Tower
Desert of the Fervent
Dwarven Mine
Evolving Wilds
Forge of Heroes
Forgotten Cave
26 Mountain
Terramorphic Expanse
The Autonomous Furnace
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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Deck #4: Kwende, Pride of Femeref First Strike

Kwende is an awesome card that allows us to turn our strong in-combat first-strike creatures into potent attackers and blockers! This deck, of course, comes with the same strengths and weaknesses that come with being in Mono-White, but it is still a ton of fun and great for a player who enjoys the mechanics and playstyle of white. This deck is the cheapest we have done here so far, with a price tag of only $7.80, according to Moxfield.com, and for that 7.80, you get a very powerful and fun deck to pilot.

Main features of the deck: Combat Shenanigans, easy to deal huge damage to opponents, tons of removal protection

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Kwende, Pride of Femeref First Strike!

Commander (1)
Kwende, Pride of Femeref

Creatures (30)
Battlefield Raptor
Encampment Keeper
Mosquito Guard
Ainok Bond-Kin
Duelist of Deep Faith
Gold Myr
Youthful Knight
Attended Knight
Ballynock Cohort
Kitsune Blademaster
Porcelain Legionnaire
Slith Ascendant
Soltari Lancer
Village Bell-Ringer
Voiceless Spirit
Warded Battlements
Wild Aesthir
Cloud Crusader
Ekundu Griffin
Ondu Greathorn
Razorfoot Griffin
Skyhunter Patrol
Lowland Tracker
Plover Knights
Steeple Roc
Supply Runners
Anointer of Valor
Eagles of the North
Kjeldoran Gargoyle
Sunblade Angel

Instants (16)
Battlefield Promotion
Coordinated Charge
Crib Swap
Dawn Charm
Generous Gift
Gods Willing
Guided Strike
Kill Shot
Loran’s Escape
Seize the Initiative
Swift Justice
Test of Faith
True Love’s Kiss
Your Temple Is Under Attack
Zealous Strike

Sorceries (6)
Inspiring Roar
Legion’s Judgment
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Settle Beyond Reality
Shoulder to Shoulder
Silverflame Ritual

Artifacts (6)
Arcane Signet
Dunedain Blade
Marble Diamond
Wedding Invitation
Bonder’s Ornament

Enchantments (6)
Angelic Gift
Journey to Nowhere
Oblivion Ring
Lands (35)
Cave of Temptation
Command Tower
Drifting Meadow
Evolving Wilds
Forge of Heroes
Idyllic Grange
25 Plains
Secluded Steppe
Terramorphic Expanse
The Fair Basilica
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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Deck #5: Murmuring Mystic Spellslinger Control

Murmuring Mystic is a classic mono-blue control deck that uses its commander as the main form of creature production. We control the board with all our spells and swing out with an army of birds! This deck is a little bit higher on the budget scale, coming in at $23.67, according to Moxfield. I have loved this deck for a long time and have had a ton of fun with it in my playgroup.

Main Features of the Deck: Control the board and stack, long grindy games, very little creature presence beyond our bird tokens

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Murmuring Mystic Spellslingers!

Commander (1)
Murmuring Mystic

Creatures (9)
Augur of Bolas
Krovikan Mist
Academy Wall
Naiad of Hidden Coves
Azure Fleet Admiral
Mnemonic Wall
Sword Coast Serpent
Tolarian Terror

Instants (27)
Arcane Denial
Behold the Multiverse
Dream Fracture
Essence Scatter
Into the Roil
Keep Safe
Keep Watch
Logic Knot
Meeting of Minds
Run Away Together
Shore Up
Think Twice

Sorceries (18)
Airborne Aid
Deep Analysis
Distant Melody
Gitaxian Probe
Hands of Binding
Lórien Revealed
Of One Mind
Rooftop Nuisance
Secrets of the Golden City
Serum Visions
Shared Discovery
Sleight of Hand
Symbol of Unsummoning
Treasure Cruise
Unexplained Vision

Artifacts (5)
Arcane Signet
Spare Supplies
Thought Vessel
Bonder’s Ornament
Decanter of Endless Water

Enchantments (5)
Witness Protection
Sunken City
Deep Freeze
Fall from Favor
Lands (35)
Command Tower
Desert of the Mindful
Evolving Wilds
26 Island
Lonely Sandbar
Mystic Sanctuary
Remote Isle
Terramorphic Expanse
The Surgical Bay
Tocasia’s Dig Site

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Format Resources:

Official Site for Pauper EDH rules and format information: PDHhomebase.com

PDHREC awesome aggregate data resource for the format: PDHREC

Sites that support Pauper EDH deckbuilding: Moxfield, Archidekt, and Tapped Out

Official Format Social Media:

PDH Home Base Discord

Pauper EDH Reddit

Pauper EDH Homebase Facebook

Quotes About Pauper EDH From Its Players:

Big shoutout to Paul from the Pauper EDH RC for sharing these quotes with me

These quotes are great showcases of the format and something I think is important to share:

Among people learning about PDH, a common realization goes something like, “PDH does the ‘Spirit of Commander’ better than the vanilla format.” Similarly, many people say it reminds them of very old-school EDH for similar reasons. Because PDH lacks fast mana rocks, mass land destruction, stax locks, and board wipes that hit multiple permanent types, it creates a more inclusive environment where everyone is much more likely to be able to participate in the game and “do the thing”.

I’m an engineer, so I am looking for tools that solve problems that real people encounter. PDH is unique in the realm of new Magic formats because it directly addresses problems players constantly struggle with, such as deck variety, power level mismatches, and frustration with the Commander arms race mentality (which boils down to budget and accessibility).

Like many players, I had Commander as the only format that I played at one point, and I wanted contradictory things from it because of that. Once I was satisfying my desires for budget brewing and more-balanced play through Pauper Commander, I was able to better enjoy high-power Commander games more, reveling in their inherent brokenness.

Pauper EDH Content Creators To Check Out:

I consume a ton of Pauper EDH content, whether building myself or just relaxing. The space has so many awesome content creators that I want to highlight and shout out! Whether you know every name on this list or are just getting into PDH, these are great places to start:

Note for content creators: If you are a Pauper EDH creator and I have forgotten to add you, please let me know, and I will update this list!

The PDH Pod

PDH Pals

Common Connoisseurs

Common Theory

Hexdrinkers Podcast




MTG Pauper Commander



Pauper EDH is an awesome format that has helped reinvigorate my love for the commander format. Change can be good, and while I still play EDH regularly, Pauper EDH has taken over my playgroup as a fairer, balanced, and overall fun experience. I love that decks can be strong without completely dominating the table, but my favorite part of PDH is cost. The worst feeling as a commander player is not being able to buy or get a hold of the higher-value cards that strengthen decks. With PDH, the barrier to entry is low, and anyone can easily access the format. This level of accessibility is awesome and a highlight point of the format for me. Pauper EDH has been life-changing for me, whether it’s the community I’ve met, the games I’ve shared with friends, and the content I make. Pauper EDH has been very influential in my life, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Thank you for reading to the end.