Art:Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath by Lars Grant-West
Table of Contents
Today’s Featured Commander Is:

Itzquinth is not only the child of one of the biggest and baddest Dinos in magic but Itzquinth is pretty strong themself! Being able to ETB and pay 2 and take out key commanders or creatures is a nice piece of support for a Gruul color identity that does not have a ton of creature removal. We are a dinosaur deck through and through casting the biggest dinos as early as we can, but we also have a bunch of ramp and support creatures to help us to re-ETB Itzquinth! This deck is an absolute blast and I am really excited to share it with you all, without further adieu let’s get it!
The Deck:
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Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath Dinosaurs!
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Why Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath?
Itzquinth is a ping machine, and not just one damage! Being able to re-ETB Itzquinth multiple times is a key part of the deck that we can take full advantage of. Being able to damage kill key creatures/commanders for our opponents is an invaluable ability. While we almost never attack with Itzquinth we get a ton of value out of their ability. Being able to bounce Itzquinth to our hand and a cheap cost means recasting / re-ETB’ing is quite easy to do. Even Itzquinth is hasty we rarely attack with him or play him on turn 2, typically opting to wait until at least turn 4 to get the ETB trigger.
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck! As well as highlighting some of my favorite cards in the deck!
We start our creature package out with some mana dorks/ramp in the form of Sakura-Tribe Elder
Big Score
Holy Ramp! We have an absolute ton of ramp in the spell package like Cultivate
We also have some extra ramp in our artifacts like Moss Diamond
We have some mana ramp in our enchantment package with strong enchantments that can come down early like Fertile Ground
Land Base:
Our land base is pretty simple and a typical TNT land base, but we do have a few inclusions that are for specific cards. Since we run Skyshroud Claim
Strengths of the Deck:
- Direct damage to the opponent’s key creatures/commanders
- A large amount of Artifact / Enchantment removal
- A decent amount of card draw
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to creature hate
- Expected weaknesses of being in Gruul
- Weak to control strategies
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops in the deck. We win the game through sheer willpower and big dinosaurs. We don’t have a ton of creature buffs but we do have creatures that are pretty big naturally even without buffs, so attacking and getting through is not hard. Our typical path to victory is to ramp as much as we can and overwhelm the board with huge dinos!
Itzquinth is a really fun Pauper EDH commander who adds a different and strong element to the dinosaur archetype in Pauper EDH. Dinosaurs have a lot of support which makes them a really fun creature type to build around, from pinging down creatures and casting huge Brontodons this deck is a ton of fun. I really enjoyed this deck in testing and would recommend it to anyone whether a novice or pro in the format. Thanks for reading to the end and thanks for all of your support