Tuesday Night Takeover

Kayo Armory Deck Upgrade

“I sense fear.”

Art:Kayo, Armed and Dangerousz by Jessada Sutthi

This is an extremely exciting time within Flesh and Blood as we have our first Armory deck, allowing Classic Constructed to be more accessible to new and old players than ever! This is an amazing time to get into the game, this article aims to make the Kayo deck better by removing some of the weaker cards and adding more powerful ones, while there is no set budget limit for this deck I am not going to add $800 worth of cards and call it an upgrade, I tried to add decently budget and meaningful cards mostly focusing on cards within the deck and less on the equipment as the base equipment suite that comes with this deck is pretty sweet! I am very excited to showcase this one! Without further adieu, let’s get it!

The Base Armory Deck:

There is certainly nothing wrong with the base armory deck, but like with all precons, we can make a few adjustments that make this considerably better; below is the deck you can pick up at your LGS.

Click here to copy full decklist to your clipboard!
Hero / Weapon / Equipment
Kayo, Armed and Dangerousz
Mandible Claw
Savage Sash
Hide Tanner
Beaten Trackers
The Deck:
Pitch 1:
3x Bare Fangs (Red)
3x Clash of Agility (Red)
3x Humble (Red)
3x Pulping (Red)
3x Rally the Rearguard (Red)
3x Savage Beatdown (Red)
3x Strength Rules All (Red)
3x Wild Ride (Red)
3x Wreck Havoc (Red)
Pitch 2:
3x Bare Fangs (Yel)
Pitch 3:
3x Agile Windup (Blu)
3x Assault and Battery (Blu)
3x Battlefront Bastion (Blu)
3x Mighty Windup (Blu)
3x Pound Town (Blu)
3x Reincarnate (Blu)
3x Riled Up (Blu)
3x Run Roughshod (Blu)
3x Run Roughshod (Blu)
3x Smash Instinct (Blu)
3x Wrecker Romp (Blu)

This deck is certainly pretty sweet, especially for only 40 dollars! I like this deck a lot but see the need for improvement; while this deck can certainly be improved, I see no reason that you can’t bring this out at an armory event and have a ton of fun!

Kayo Armory Deck $120 Upgrade

For this deck, I focused on cutting some of the defensive cards and leaving most of those in the inventory while increasing the power of the deck, since most of the upgraded Kayo equipment is the same, which is great. This deck costs $120 total, and that is if you buy it outright; if you have already bought the Kayo Armory deck, it is much cheaper.

Click here to copy full decklist to your clipboard!
Hero / Weapon / Equipment
Kayo, Armed and Dangerousz
Mandible Claw
Savage Sash
Hide Tanner
Beaten Trackers
The Deck:
Pitch 1:
3x Bare Fangs (Red)
3x Cast Bones (Red)
3x Clash of Agility (Red)
3x Humble (Red)
3x Savage Beatdown (Red)
3x Savage Feast (Red)
3x Strength Rules All (Red)
3x Wild Ride (Red)
3x Swing Big (Red)
Pitch 2:
3x Bare Fangs (Yel)
3x Bloodrush Bellow (Yel)
Pitch 3:
3x Agile Windup (Blu)
3x Mighty Windup (Blu)
3x Pound Town (Blu)
3x Reincarnate (Blu)
3x Riled Up (Blu)
3x Run Roughshod (Blu)
3x Run Roughshod (Blu)
3x Smash Instinct (Blu)
3x Wrecker Romp (Blu)
Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Gloves
Nullrune Boots
Pitch 1:
3x Oasis Respite (Red)
3x Take it on the Chin (Red)
Pitch 2:
3x Agile Windup (Yel)
3x Clash of Agility (Yel)

I like this upgraded version a lot, once the Kayo Armory decklists got spoiled I have been testing my own version in preparation for this article and I like how much more aggressive this deck is and has some pretty sweet additions like Cast Bones (Red) and Bloodrush Bellow (Yel). I have been testing an absolute ton of games with this one and am 20-10 in all of my matchups. This deck feels like a typical Kayo deck, our bad matchups on a fully tuned kayo list and this list are pretty much the same, but the matchups that we have that are good are very good!

Buy This Deck!

Do you need to buy some cards for MTG or Flesh and Blood TCG? Or are you just looking for gaming supplies? Check out our affiliate link with WNYGaming.com and get 5% off anything you order!

Upgrades over time that would make the deck better, but are a little pricey!

These are cards that would absolutely make the deck better but increase the price dramatically; if you have any of these or can pick them up, I would recommend them!


Scowling Flesh bag

Scowling Flesh Bag is the premier Kayo headpiece, in my opinion. Being able to intimidate an opponent is amazing and helps us keep up tempo and makes blocking against our attacks a nightmare. Flesh Bag is great and, in my opinion, way more valuable than Knucklehead’s card advantage.




Apex Bonebreaker

Hide Tanner and Apex Bonebreaker are quite similar, but there is no doubt that Bonebreaker is considerably better. Being able to make two might tokens without having to destroy it is great! Apex is way more expensive than Hide Tanner, so if you don’t have one lying around, absolutely keep Hide Tanner in, as it is also quite good!


Hide Tanner


Swing Big

Swing Big is an absolutely insane attack, and the power cannot be understated; I don’t like Rally the Rearguard in this deck and don’t think it is a great card to include; I don’t even like it in the inventory slot as I believe there are better options for the inventory.


Rally the Rearguard


Runner Runner

In a deck that is full of three blocks I don’t see a ton of value out of Battlefront Bastion, In testing I replaced it with Runner Runner and found it be a much better list overall, we are already quite good at attacking and blocking and this helps a ton.


Battlefront Bastion


The Kayo Armory Deck and any future armory decks are just great for Flesh and Blood, increasing accessibility and ease of access into the most popular format is great, while we don’t expect the best deck in the world out of these, the Kayo deck is quite strong out of the box and with a few tweaks can become absolutely amazing! I hope you all enjoyed this one as much as I did. Thanks for reading to the end and for all of your support!