“Wherever you go, whatever life throws at you, in Eldraine, the stars in the sky will always have a place for you.”
Art:Obyra, Dreaming Duelist by Evyn Fong
Table of Contents
Todays Featured Commander Is:

Obyra is a brand new commander who is super sweet for Pauper EDH, while Faeries have always exsisted in PDH Obyra is a really great and new option that can be a great and refreshing build for the faeries players! Obyra is a really fun midrange creature deck with a lean towards control since we have a decent amount of counterspells, not enough to stop the Izzet players of the world but enough to resolve key permanents! This deck is so much fun and Faeries is such a cool creature type, without further adieu lets get it!
The Deck:
Obyra, Dreaming Duelist Faeries!
Buy This Deck!
Link to buy this deck: Obyra, Dreaming Duelist Faeries Pauper EDH
Why Obyra, Dreaming Duelist?
The main reason that we chose Obyra is how well they interact with faeries, being able to passively deal damage with Faeries is a super strong attribute that can easily swing the game in our favor! Obyra can also come down super early and with flash to be a great blocker in a pinch. Only costing UB we can bring her down pretty early and have a big impact on nearly the entire game!
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck!
Well I’m sure this will come as no surprise but our creatures package has a lot of Faeries in it! We have faeries of various mana costs but one thing that is pretty unanimous between them is that they all fly! This natural evasion helps an absolute ton since we can often just go over the top on our opponents and get some small chip damage in, this adds up heavily over time and can be a real contributor to ending the game when combined with our other effects!
Some of the best faeries in our deck include Cloud of Faeries which is basically free and can be cycled for a card if needed, also a decent flying attacker! Dreamspoiler Witches
is another really sweet faerie that allows us to get the benefit of hurting our opponents creatures when we cast spells on there turn, which is honestly pretty often! Fencer Clique
is a really good card that allows us to have a decent attacker and blocker and a one mana ability to protect her! Silvergill Douser
is not a faerie by type but allows us to really limit some key creatures our opponents have and limit them in combat, super strong card that is very worth putting in the deck! Since we are a faerie deck a card like Spellstutter Sprite
is a really crazy card that we can use to counter really any spell our opponents try to cast!
We are a Dimir Deck so of course we have a bunch of counterspells, the best counter in our deck is Spell Stutter since it cares about the number of faeries we have we can easily counter a huge spell from our opponents, great against X spells! Other than that we of course have classics like Counterspell
, Essence Scatter
and Logic Knot
! One of my favorite instants in the deck is Keep Watch
whether we use this on our turn or our opponents turn this is a great way to draw a bunch of cards! Another cool card that cares about Faeries is Peppersmoke
which is a great way to draw a card or kill a token or a small creature an opponent has! Violet Pall
is expensive at five mana but we get to destroy a creature and get a faerie out of the deal! The last instant I want to highlight is Death Denied
which is a great card to recover our faeries after a board wipe or a bad combat step!
We are a blue deck so of course we are going to draw a bunch of cards Into the Fae Court and Lórien Revealed
are both great 5 mana draw spells! Distant Melody
is a really crazy draw spell that allows us to draw a crazy amount of cards for only 4 mana! Ponder
and Preordain
are both great draw spells, our sorcery package has a ton of ways to draw cards and keep the fun going!
Our artifact package is full of pretty much nothing but mana, with staples like Dimir Signet, Arcane Signet
and Bonder's Ornament
. Both of our signets are pretty self explanatory but Bonders is a great card that lets us draw more which we will never say no to!
We have a pretty some sweet enchantments one of my favorites is Dogged Pursuit which is a great way to deal some extra damage! Helm of the Ghastlord
is a great card to put on Obyra. Tortured Existence
is a great way to get some of our key creatures back and continuously trigger Obyra. Oubliette
is a really great pauper removal spell that is just a classic and pretty much an auto-include in any pauper EDH deck that runs black! Phyresis
is a really great way to get some infect in and easily kill our opponents, this is especially good when put onto Obyra!
Land Base:
Overall pretty simple two color land base, there are no real surprising or shocking inclusions here, just a bunch of Dimir duals and the cycling lands in case we get flooded since we have a pretty low mana cost and while we can draw a ton of cards its always nice to get some card draw value out of a land!
Strengths of the Deck:
- Almost all of our creatures fly making us evasive
- Strong counterspell package
- Powerful Midrange Strategy
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Deck is noticeably worse without Obyra out
- Weak to spellslinger decks, we have a decent counterspell package but cant win huge counterwars
- Can be hard to end games super quick since most of our creatures are evasive but small
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops in the deck our main damage source is Obyra’s trigger which is a great way to damage each of our opponents and besides that we are a traditional combat deck, we are aided by the fact that nearly all of our creatures and commander all have flying so we are naturally evasive!
In conclusion Obyra is a really fun Faerie commander, whether you play in Pauper EDH or regular EDH she can come down early and continuously make an impact and help to whittle down our opponents and end games! Obyra is a super fun deck that is an interesting take and plays like a Dimir Midrange deck! Hope you enjoyed this article, and are enjoying WOE week so far! Dont forget you can always request a commander on our twitter or discord for any of our formats!