“We rode on the winds of the rising storm“
Art:Ovika, Enigma Goliath by Antonio José Manzanedo
Budget Deck Pricing Courtesy of Moxfield.com
Non-Budget Deck Pricing Courtesy of Moxfield.com
Table of Contents
Today’s Featured Commander Is:

Ovika is the perfect general for a spell slinger deck. Even though they are quite expensive at seven mana, we have a ton of artifact ramps to help us get up to seven as soon as possible. Beyond that, we have a bunch of spells like counterspells draw spells, and some big sweeping spells that allow us to produce a ton of tokens and end our games through them. We are a slower deck that tries to take it into the late game, but once we have Ovika, we can typically end games pretty soon after. This deck is a ton of fun, and I am very excited to share it with all of you. Without further adieu, let’s get it!
The Deck:
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Ovika, Enigma Goliath $40 Spellslinging!
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The Non-Budget Version Of The Deck:
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Ovika, Enigma Goliath Non-Budget $400 Spellslingers!
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Main Differences Between The Versions:
The main differences between the two versions are speed and utility. The non-budget version has some additional fast mana like Chromatic Orrery, which is expensive but can be absolutely game-changing once it hits. We also have more utility within our landbase, mostly in the form of faster mana like Scalding Tarn
Five Helpful Upgrades For The Budget Version:
These are not in a particular order but are some non-budget pickups that will make the deck stronger.
Purphoros is the perfect damage outlet for all the tokens we create and is an easy way to end the game. This card was cut from the budget version solely due to price.
Raise the Paliside is a very strong card for various reasons, getting five tokens out of it if we have Ovika out and bouncing everything but our key creatures is very strong.
A very strong mid-late game card that absolutely changes the way we play once it comes out, being able to have freedom with our mana, a strong mana producer, and a strong card draw engine for the deck.
One of the strongest cards in the format and a great way to draw some cards. In our deck, it is an amazing way to fill up our hands and keep on casting.
Boseiju is an awesome land that works very well at a table or pod that has some control strategies. While we have counterspells of our own, we don’t have enough reliably to win counter-wars, so Boseiju can be a great way to guarantee we resolve key spells.
Why Ovika, Enigma Goliath?
Ovika is the main card in our deck. They are the key to the deck and what makes it work. Ovika is expensive at seven mana, but we have a ton of artifact ramp to cast Ovika as soon as possible and get a ton of value out of all the spells we cast. Ovika is strong, fun, and quite hard to remove. All of that makes our main game plan a race for Ovika.
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck! I also highlighted some of my favorite cards in the deck!
Our creature package has a lot of damage payoffs for instants and sorceries like Guttersnipe
We only have one planeswalker, but they are strong Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
To start our instant package, we have some strong counterspells like Arcane Denial
We have some additional token production like Dragon Fodder
One of my favorite artifacts in the deck is Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Impact Tremors
Land Base:
Our land base is naturally a little bit slower than the non-budget deck but is still pretty strong, and while a little slow, we have a ton of utility lands. Some of my favorite utility lands include Desolate Lighthouse
Strengths of the Deck:
- Decent amount of interaction
- A ton of card draw
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to graveyard hate
- Our commander does cost seven mana which can slow us down
- Often don’t have a strong board presence until we have our commander out
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops within the deck, we have the advantage of a commander being a huge token producer, and we can use cards like Shared Animosity
Ovika, Engima Goliath is a very fun commander in a budget form or not a budget form. I have had a ton of success with Ovika against various pre-con’s and casual decks. In the games, it went well. It was strong but certainly not overwhelming, and as always, any deck can have bad games. Even though this deck is spell slinger style, it focuses a lot more on token/creation and thus can be good for a player of nearly any skill level. I had a lot of fun with this one, and I hope you did too. Thanks for reading to the end and for all your support.