Tuesday Night Takeover
Post has published by BigDoinks

Link to Article Here: The Wanderer Mono-White Aggro Tokens Pauper EDH

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The Wanderer Aggro Tokens!

Commander (1)
The Wanderer

Creatures (33)
Arcbound Mouser
Lunarch Veteran
Wyrm’s Crossing Patrol
Cathar Commando
Fencing Ace
Suture Priest
Argivian Cavalier
Attended Knight
Charismatic Vanguard
Court Street Denizen
Crusader of Odric
Icatian Crier
Inspiring Overseer
Mardu Hordechief
Priest of Ancient Lore
Skyhunter Skirmisher
Ballynock Trapper
Basri’s Acolyte
Blessed Hippogriff
Celebrity Fencer
Daysquad Marshal
Felidar Savior
Indoctrination Attendant
Irregular Cohort
Paladin of the Bloodstained
Protector of Gondor
Armasaur Guide
Basilica Shepherd
Conclave Phalanx
Lieutenants of the Guard
Squad Captain
Alabaster Host Intercessor
Eagles of the North

Instants (11)
Crib Swap
Eyes in the Skies
Forsake the Worldly
Generous Gift
Hobbit’s Sting
Raise the Alarm
Ramosian Rally
Thraben Charm
You’re Confronted by Robbers
Your Temple Is Under Attack

Sorceries (14)
Battle Screech
Call the Cavalry
Captain’s Call
Cenn’s Enlistment
Gather the Townsfolk
Inspiring Roar
Kytheon’s Tactics
Marshaling Cry
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Recruitment Drive
Silverflame Ritual
Sworn Companions
Triplicate Spirits

Artifacts (3)
Ancestral Blade
Greatsword of Tyr
Spare Supplies

Enchantments (3)
Oblivion Ring
Omen of the Sun
Lands (35)
Drifting Meadow
32 Plains
Secluded Steppe
The Fair Basilica