Keeper of the Trees!
Art:Sapling of Colfenor by John Avon
Table of Contents
Welcome to another Installment of Brewed EDH!
Todays Featured Commander is:

Sapling of Colfenor is a really fun golgari commander which can be played in a variety of ways, for this deck we chose to go the Treefolk Tribal route. With our treefolk being low-power, high-toughness creatures we can utilize this to gain a great amount of life from Saplings trigger and we utilize a ton of payoff cards for our lifegain! This deck is great for any tribal lover and does not require a ton of experience to pilot this deck!
The Deck:
Sapling of Colfenor Treefolk Tribal!
Why Sapling of Colfenor?
The main reason that we chose Sapling of Colfenor is how well it interacts with treefolk, not only is Sapling a treefolk as well, but Saplings ability to gain life on toughness fits perfectly into the treefolk tribe. Sapling is indestructible and can help us gain a ton of life which we can pump into our payoff cards to attack quickly and start draining our opponents life. Sapling is a tough creature to remove who we can freely attack with as soon as possible. Overall Sapling of Colfenor is a great treefolk tribal commander the natural indestructible combined with life gain is great in a color combo that does not gain a ton of life!
Deck Overview:
We are at a core a treefolk tribal deck, so of course we have a ton of treefolk. Some of our best treefolk include Dauntless Dourbark who not only cares about the number of forests we have but also the number of treefolk, combine this withYavimaya, Cradle of Growth
and you have an absolutely huge creature. Another great treefolk is Magnigoth Treefolk
who almost always gives our treefolk Swampwalk and Forestwalk. Another great treefolk is Timber Protector
who not only is a lord for treefolk but also gives them indestructible this is great for attacking and protecting against boardwipes. Since Saplings ability cares about the top of the deck we have couple of ways to manipulate the deck which are Mirri's Guile
, Sensei's Divining Top
and Sylvan Library
. All of these cards not only help us with draws but also allow us to manipulate the deck to get the most from the top of our deck. Speaking of Saplings ability there are a ton of great targets for his trigger especially cards like Tree of Redemption
and Tree of Perdition
. When we combine either of these high value targets with Blossoming Bogbeast
we can attack for crazy damage giving all of our creatures +13/+13. Since we are very much toughness based arguably the best card in our deck is Assault Formation
Strengths of the Deck:
- Life gain in every combat
- A lot of support / synergy for Treefolks
- One combo to instantly end games as needed
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to creature hate
- Outpaced by aggressive high-support tribes like elves or goblins
- Only a handful of interaction
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
With Sapling allowing us to gain life every combat we are of course packing Exquisite Blood
In conclusion Sapling of Colfenor is a really fun treefolk tribal deck which highlights the power of a tribe that is not always in the discussion. Its a fun Black / Green life gain deck which is not that common in EDH and allows for a different tribal playstyle. With huge creatures attacking for big a ton of lifegain and a lot of payoff it is a really fun deck to pilot!
Thanks for reading to the end!