“Hunters in the sun, can miss the beasts in the shadows”
Art:Shaman of the Pack by Dan Scott
Table of Contents
Todays Featured Commander Is:

Shaman of the Pack is a really sweet Golgari Elf commander who loves dealing damage, since this is on ETB and not cast we can easily retrigger Shaman and deal a ton of damage to our opponents! This deck is just like all of the other elf decks in other formats. Fast, Efficient and Big mana focused! This deck is a ton of fun to play and a little bit more fun since we have the addition of black mana to our list! Without further adieu lets get it!
The Deck:
Shaman of the Pack Elfball!
Buy this Deck!
Tcgplayer link to buy this deck: Shaman of the Pack Elfball Pauper EDH
Why Shaman of the Pack?
The main reason we chose Shaman of the Pack is that being in Golgari as opposed to mono-green gives us access to a bunch of extra removal that makes our deck a lot stronger. Additionally Shaman of the Pack is a great damage dealer and with some of our sac outlets / reanimation spells we can straight kill opponents off of Shaman ETB’s alone!
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck!
We have so many elves so for this section we are going to focus on the highlights of our elf package, the best elf in the deck in my opinion is Priest of Titania since it is basically a Gaea's Cradle
on a creature! Elvish Vanguard
is another great creature since it can just get absolutely huge and out of hand quickly! Timberwatch Elf
We also have some non-elf creatures that are great game-enders like Ulamog's Crusher
Village Rites
Bone Splinters
Arcane Signet
One of our best enchantments for mana production is Elvish Guidance
Land Base:
As we always do with our pauper builds we of course have our in color cycling lands just in case we flood out like Barren Moor
Strengths of the Deck:
- Very strong in and out of combat
- Easy to fill the board quickly
- Creatures produce a crazy amount of mana
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to creature hate
- Not a ton of ways to draw cards
- Can be hard to close out games without finding our huge game-enders
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
We are an elf deck so our main win condition is either Multiple Shaman triggers to the same opponent or by turning our creatures sideways and swinging for the fences! Cards that help with getting shaman to retrigger include cards like Undying Malice
In conclusion Shaman of the pack is a really sweet general for one of magic’s oldest and coolest creatures types! This deck is very similar to a lot of Elfball decks where we storm the board with creatures and swing for the fences, Shaman of the Pack helps an absolute ton with getting that done! This deck is a ton of fun and is just a blast. Hope you enjoyed this article, dont forget you can always request a commander for PDH, CEDH, EDH and Budget EDH on our twitter or discord!