Tuesday Night Takeover

Top 10 Commander Cards from Aetherdrift!

“Bring on the confetti!”

Art:Repurposing Bay by William Tempest

Aetherdrift is a set that I’m really excited for, the theme and flavor of the set is just something I have been really enjoying, I am also a big fan of a lot of these cards in the set, there is some really good additions to some of the most popular decks in the format, today we are going to be focusing on ten cards that I think are going to played quite heavily throughout commander! There is a wide range of variety from Aethedrift, from great support cards to powerhouses for big-mana and aggressive strategies, as well as some awesome love for combo decks; this set has a lot for a whole bunch of archetypes. Without further ado, let’s get it!

Please note: These are in no particular order; I’m just excited about these ten cards and think they will fit really nicely into decks popular in the format!


I am a really big fan of this card, pretty much any deck that cares about discard wants this card, it is a decently aggressive attacker/blocker and can easily be crewed by the zombie tokens it creates or pretty much any creature, the menace can help a ton against combat decks, and overall this card is a powerhouse, Discard heavy decks often don’t have a super strong board presence and while these aren’t great the turn they come out the tokens can help establish a very nice board presence and help keep you alive much longer.

Commanders that would work well with Cryptcaller Chariot:


This card is awesome; as an aggressive deck and multi-combat enjoyed, this card is a true finisher and in commander with a large amount of mana ramp/fixing, even in red and decks featuring red, six mana is extremely easy to attain, and with evasive creatures or just a huge board, this card can easily end-games. This feels truly like a red card, and the decks that love cards like Combat Celebrant are also going to love this one.

Commanders that would work well with Full Throttle:


Birthing Pod has been one of my favorite cards for a long time, and a pseudo-Birthing Pod for artifacts is just nuts; this card is really strong and will go really well with commanders that care about artifacts as well as pretty much any combo deck that utilizes artifacts. I am a big fan of this card and think it’s going to shake up a lot of the combo decks in this format.

Commanders that would work well with Repurposing Bay:


Green and +1/+1 counters get another amazing asset, with all of the sets recently, it feels like Green and +1/+1 counter’s strategies are just getting stronger and stronger, making our smaller creatures bigger and making our bigger creatures huge is pretty good; combining that with a three-mana 5/5 with trample, and this card is great pretty much always. Whether it’s a stompy deck, a counters-focused strategy, or just a deck focusing on vehicles, this card is really good. I expect this card to see quite a bit of play.

Commanders that would work well with Thunderous Velocipede:


This is a really cool card. There are a couple of schools of thought on this card, but I love this deck in a Simic or similar big mana shell, and being able to have a huge creature and sac them for a lot of card advantage is quite strong. I think this card will see quite a bit of play in big-mana decks that can take a ton of advantage out of it; I think this card also will be really good in counters decks since they can easily pump it up and make it bigger and better for even more card advantage.

Commanders that would work well with Marketback Walker:


Another awesome card for the +1/+1 counters decks! While I am not totally impressed with the stat line of its creature, its ability is extremely strong and allows Selesnya and mono-white strategies to fight back against the large amount of removal and board wipes in the format, Bulwark Ox also can be a great way to buff up our other creatures, while this card typically won’t help us end the game super quickly or anything like that it’s a wonderful piece of utility for the deck.

Commanders that would work well with Bulwark Ox:


A super aggressive card that answers the problems of both mono-red and Boros. Mono-Red and Boros have always struggled with card advantage, so being able to get a free card essentially acting as an additional draw can be really strong. I typically don’t like to play this out too early as if we exile expensive cards, it can be quite bad, but this is a great option for the mid-late game and can help us keep the overall game plan going.

Commanders that would work well with Count on Luck:


This card is sweet! All the dino lovers out there should rejoice, they got a really strong dino that is a great addition to the early game, Dinos and good creatures just seem to go hand to hand in this point, this creature type is getting so many awesome creatures; a three-mana 5/4 that acts as an anthem effect for all of our dinos is just really insane. This card is awesome and can absolutely allow us to dominate early-game combat and get some early-game damage if opponents don’t have a lot of creatures. While its use is kind of narrow, this is pretty much an auto-include in all dino decks.

Commanders that would work well with Regal Imperiosaur:


Unstoppable Plan is a really good utility; I can see it working really well in both creature-focused strategies with creatures that have strong tap abilities or even control decks with tap abilities that are strong. This card is really good, and I think it has the potential to be run in a ton of different decks. I think this card can work well in a lot of strategies and while it is certainly not as strong as something like Seedborn Muse I think its a decent card that’s going to see quite a bit of play.

Commanders that would work well with Unstoppable Plan:


Krenko players out there are so hyped it is actually uncontrollable; this card is good, Token production with a Battle Hymn effect that is quite easy to get; this is an amazing goblin and arguably one of the best ones that we’ve seen in a very long time. This card is really strong for Goblin decks, and while its usage is a little narrow since it’s only good for one-creature type, this card is a real powerhouse. I tested a little bit with this card in Krenko and it was extremely strong and changed the game quite a bit.

Commanders that would work well with Howlsquad Heavy:


Thanks so much for reading to the end! I hope you all are excited for Aetherdrift. This set looks to be really cool, and I can’t wait to get my hands on these cards and start brewing and testing; I’m also really excited for the box toppers as those look really sweet. Aethedrift is coming, and we can’t wait, and don’t worry, we will have many more decktechs and primers for the newest commanders across EDH, CEDH, and Pauper EDH soon. Stay tuned and tap in!