Tuesday Night Takeover

Toxrill, The Corrosive Scepter Combo CEDH

I got a big mac, pouring purple up! Happy Birthday Grimace!

Art:Toxrill, the Corrosive by Simon Dominic

Toxrill is a sweet dimir commander that allows us to be very well-positioned against creature decks while in essence basically being a spell-based combo deck. Toxrill allows us to maintain a best of both worlds which can interact well and is wildly powerful against a bunch of decks in the format. Whether against spell heavy decks or Najeela’s and Magda’s we have an answer for it! Without further Adieu lets get into it!

The Deck:

Toxrill Scepter CEDH!

Commander (1)
Toxrill, the Corrosive

Creatures (16)
Dark Confidant
Dauthi Voidwalker
Faerie Mastermind
Gilded Drake
Orcish Bowmasters
Phantasmal Image
Snapcaster Mage
Thassa’s Oracle
Maralen of the Mornsong
Opposition Agent
Trinket Mage
Notion Thief
Phyrexian Metamorph
Geode Golem
Hullbreaker Horror

Spells (36)
Pact of Negation
An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Blue Elemental Blast
Chain of Vapor
Dark Ritual
Imperial Seal
March of Swirling Mist
Mental Misstep
Spell Pierce
Spell Snare
Swan Song
Vampiric Tutor
Cabal Ritual
Cyclonic Rift
Demonic Tutor
Dramatic Reversal
Lim-Dul’s Vault
Mana Drain
Shred Memory
Demonic Consultation
Tainted Pact
Fierce Guardianship
Force of Negation
Mindbreak Trap
Ad Nauseam
Force of Will

Artifacts (12)
Chrome Mox
Jeweled Lotus
Lotus Petal
Mana Crypt
Mox Diamond
Mana Vault
Sensei’s Divining Top
Sol Ring
Grim Monolith
Isochron Scepter
Wishclaw Talisman
The One Ring

Enchantments (4)
Mystic Remora
The Meathook Massacre
Rhystic Study
Lands (31)
Ancient Tomb
Bloodstained Mire
Cephalid Coliseum
City of Brass
City of Traitors
Clearwater Pathway
Command Beacon
Command Tower
Crystal Vein
Darkwater Catacombs
Exotic Orchard
Flooded Strand
Forbidden Orchard
Gemstone Caverns
Homeward Path
Mana Confluence
Misty Rainforest
Otawara, Soaring City
Polluted Delta
Scavenger Grounds
Spire of Industry
Strip Mine
Sunken Ruins
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
Tarnished Citadel
Underground River
Underground Sea
Urza’s Saga
Watery Grave

Why Toxrill, The Corrosive?

The main reason we chose Toxrill, is the flexibility it allows. Being dimir we have a ton of spells in the deck to interact with our opponents and we can also use Toxrill to control the board against a variety of the creature based decks in CEDH. While we don’t typically use it often we can get slugs pretty regularly and draw some cards which we will never say no too! Toxrill can win very early through a lot of the pretty common CEDH combos, but when we go into the late-game we can control the board through Toxrill and work to assemble a combo. Since we can easily make infinite mana we are also well-positioned against Stax style decks!

Deck Overview:

This section contains information about cards in the deck, for a full breakdown of the combos of the deck please check out the main win conditions section below!


We are a spell based deck so we don’t have a ton of creatures but all of our creatures are pretty impactful! Some of the coolest inclusions in our deck include Snapcaster Mage and Dark Confidant which are both super sweet cards that you don’t see often in CEDH! Both of these are very helpful in the deck and can help us flashback a counterspell and get some extra cards!

Trinket Mage is a great cheap tutor that can let us grab one of our pieces so that we can go off with Hullbreaker Horror and win the game. Once we have infinite mana we can just infinitely cast Toxrill and sac Toxrill to draw cards to find Thoracle!

Phantasmal Image and Phyrexian Metamorph are just great clone effects that are never bad! One of the most interesting cards in our deck is Geode Golem which in testing I was able to get Toxrill out on turn 2 or 3 through artifact ramp!


We are a Dimir CEDH deck so of course we have counterspells! Highlighted by format staples like An Offer You Can't Refuse, Swan Song, Mana Drain and Force of Will. No real explanation needed for these pretty much auto includes in decks that can play them!

We are super counterspell heavy so we run some ones that are not too common like Hydroblast and Blue Elemental Blast both of these cards are a little narrow but hit a bunch of cards in the format! Another card that you don’t see to often is Spell Snare which I typically use to counter Thoracle.


We don’t have a ton of sorceries but the ones we do have are quite powerful. Some of the best include Demonic Tutor and Imperial Seal which for the most part are just ways to begin assembling the combo! These are really the only sorcery speed spells we have we can do a lot on our opponents turn!


Mana, Mana, Mana is the theme of our artifact package with Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Jeweled Lotus and Grim Monolith just to name a few. Our artifact package is where a lot of our cards that combo with Hullbreaker come from and we just packed in as much fast mana possible so we can combo or get Toxrill out or just respond to our opponents!


We are a blue deck so we had to include the legendary draw engines in Mystic Remora and Rhystic Study. These cards need no introduction and are just an absolute powerhouse and can draw us into a ton of value and combos very easily.

Our other two enchantments are Necropotence and The Meathook Massacre. We almost always use Necro when we are only a couple cards away from comboing off and are missing a piece! Since Toxrill leans into board control we of course had to include Meathook Massacre to hurt our opponents and get some life out of the deal!

Land Base:

Our land base is kind of what you would expect from CEDH with a bunch of fast lands like Ancient Tomb and City of Traitors which are both great lands that can help us get ahead on mana! Another land that can help is ramp that isnt played in a ton of CEDH decks is Crystal Vein while it sucks we have to sacrifice it it can be a great way to cast a very early Toxrill!

Overall our land base is pretty much what you would expect from a Dimir CEDH deck featuring legendary duals like Underground Sea and Watery Grave!

Strengths of the Deck:

  • Very strong against creature decks
  • Strong against Stax decks
  • Very easy to combo

Weaknesses of the Deck:

  • Some decks can combo quicker than us
  • Toxrill can be hard to cast
  • Weak to artifact hate

Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:

Our main win conditions are through our combos, here are the combos fully explained!

Hullbreaker Horror + Sol Ring + Mana Crypt


Mana Crypt in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield.


  1. Activate Sol Ring by tapping it, adding CC.
  2. Cast Mana Crypt by paying 0.
  3. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Sol Ring from the battlefield to your hand.
  4. Activate Mana Crypt by tapping it, adding CC.
  5. Cast Sol Ring by paying 1.
  6. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Mana Crypt from the battlefield to your hand.
  7. Repeat.


Infinite colorless mana. Infinite storm count.

Hullbreaker Horror + Mana Vault + Mana Crypt


Mana Crypt in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield.


  1. Activate Mana Vault by tapping it, adding CCC.
  2. Cast Mana Crypt by paying 0.
  3. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Mana Vault from the battlefield to your hand.
  4. Activate Mana Crypt by tapping it, adding CC.
  5. Cast Mana Vault by paying 1.
  6. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Mana Crypt from the battlefield to your hand.
  7. Repeat.


Infinite colorless mana. Infinite storm count.

Hullbreaker Horror + Lotus Petal + Mana Crypt


Lotus Petal in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield.


  1. Activate Mana Crypt by tapping it, adding CC.
  2. Cast Lotus Petal by paying 0.
  3. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Mana Crypt from the battlefield to your hand.
  4. Cast Mana Crypt by paying 0.
  5. Hullbreaker Horror triggers, returning Lotus Petal from the battlefield to your hand.
  6. Repeat.


Infinite colorless mana. Infinite storm count.

Maralen of the Mornsong + Opposition Agent


All permanents on the battlefield.


  1. At the beginning of your draw step, Maralen triggers, causing you to lose three life, then search your library for a card and put it into your hand.
  2. During each opponent’s draw step, Maralen triggers, causing them to lose three life, then causing you to search their library for a card and exile it.
  3. You may play cards exiled this way due to Opposition Agent.


Players cannot draw cards. Tutor for any card in an opponent’s library during their draw step with the ability to play that card.

Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter


Isochron Scepter on the battlefield. Dramatic Reversal exiled by Isochron Scepter. Nonland permanents you control can tap to produce at least 3.


  1. Activate all mana-producing nonland permanents you control by tapping them, adding at least 3.
  2. Activate Isochron Scepter by paying 2 and tapping it, casting a copy of Dramatic Reversal without paying it’s mana cost.
  3. Resolve Dramatic Reversal, untapping all nonland permanents you control.
  4. Repeat.


Infinite mana nonland permanents you control can produce. Infinite storm count. Infinite magecraft triggers. Infinite untap of nonland permanents you control.

Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle


All cards in hand. UUB available.


  1. Cast Demonic Consultation by paying B, naming Thassa’s Oracle and thus exiling your library due to you not having a card named Thassa’s Oracle in your library.
  2. Cast Thassa’s Oracle by paying UU.
  3. Thassa’s Oracle enters the battlefield, causing you to win the game.


Win the game. Exile your library.


Toxrill Scepter is a really fun combo deck that is super great against the Najeela’s and the Winota’s of the format or against really any creature based CEDH deck. This deck is quick and very well positioned in the format. While Toxrill may not be the most popular CEDH commander he is still a feared card at a lot of EDH tables. Hope you enjoyed this deck and thanks for your support!

Thanks for reading to the end!