“Another soul to feed the endless hunger.”
Art:Vampire Socialite by Suzanne Helmigh
Table of Contents
Today’s Featured Commander Is:

Vampire Socialite is an awesome commander who is absolutely perfect for a deck focused on vampires and blood tokens! Not only is our blood subtheme a great, flavorful win, but is a strong card draw outlet and a great piece of utility for our deck. On top of that, we are a vampire-themed deck with some of the strongest vampire cards in the format, and love swinging and dealing damage to our opponents. We are a creature deck through and through; thus, our deck is perfect for players of any skill level and can be a great deck for someone new to the format or more experienced. This deck is powerful but has a very low skill requirement. I am very excited to show you all this. Without further adieu, let’s get it!
The Deck:
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Vampire Socialite Vampires Blood!
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Why Vampire Socialite?
Vampire Socialite is a very strong commander for a very low cost of only two mana. For only two mana, we get menace a buff for all of our vampires, which only requires a very easy requirement, and since we are almost always damaging opponents, all of our vampires will enter with a counter as well. Vampire Socialite is one of the strongest commanders for vampires in PDH and is just great support for the vampire creature type. Vampire Socilaite is a key part of our deck and is great in almost every way.
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck! I also highlighted some of my favorite cards in the deck!
We have a ton of vampires in the deck, so let’s go over some of my favorites! Belligerent Guest
We have some strong instant speed card draws like Big Score
A lot of our card draw is in our sorcery package with strong spells like Read the Bones
This is the rare occasion where we actually take full advantage of my favorite PDH card Wedding Invitation
We have a Pauper / PDH staple in Oubliette
Land Base:
We have an efficient land base similar to my landbase style when I brew PDH decks consisting of draw lands, cycling lands, and on-color duals. There’s not too much to say about this land base. We have a fair few tap lands, but we are not super aggressive, so it is typically okay to take a few turns off. I found this land base to be strong in testing, and it does pretty much everything we want it to.
Strengths of the Deck:
- Strong effects that support the vampire creature type
- A decent amount of interaction
- A decent amount of card draw
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- Weak to creature hate
- No way to interact on the stack
- Almost no artifact/enchantment removal
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops within the deck. We are a combat deck that utilizes our various anthem effects/buffs from our commander and our creatures. Vampires are a very synergistic creature type, interacting very positively with each other. Our deck also has a blood subtheme that allows us to get a ton of card draw and refill our hand.
Vampire Socialite is a fun commander for an absolutely awesome deck! I enjoyed this one from the building to the testing stage and had a ton of fun. Even my playgroup liked this one, and they usually think the decks I build are too mean and strong. This is a fun and flavorful build that is not too expensive and perfect for a player of any skill level. I hope you all enjoyed this one as much as I did. Thanks for reading to the end and for all of your support!