There are so many creatures in magic that are really expensive, but there are also a host of awesome creatures who are a ton of fun to play that are under 1 dollar! There are so many underloved budget creatures that are great in commander! Today we are going to be looking at 10 creatures that are budget friendly and let you have a ton of fun!
Please note that this list has cards from varying strategy and aims to highlight awesome budget cards that can really enhance your deck!
Art: Sun Titan by Todd Lockwood
Without further Adieu lets get into it!
10. Mentor of the Meek

Mentor of the Meek is a really sweet creature that allows you to gain draw some cards off of playing small creatures, this card can really fit in a deck that plays little creatures and can also be an absolute bomb in token strategies like Jetmir, Nexus of Revels and Neyali, Suns' Vanguard
or really any token commander. Mentor of the meek is a creature that is really heavily targeted and can passively draw you a ton of cards, which is something that a lot of token strategies value heavily!
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9. Karmic Guide

Karmic guide is a really sweet card that has an effect that most white cards do not being able to recur a creature card from your graveyard, whether you cast it for its echo cost or hard cast it it may not be the best creature statwise but being able to return a big angel or really any creature makes this card for any deck, pretty much any white deck or featuring white deck can run this, this is very much a card that was more powerful in the early days of commander but still has a place in a lot of decks!
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8. Windborn Muse

Windborn Muse is very much like a budget ghostly prison, this effect can be great in really any white deck or any deck featuring white and is all around a good card, while this card is not typically played over ghostly prison in a lot of decks its still a great card while 4 mana for a 2/3 is not the greatest statline this is a great protection card, the biggest downside of windborn muse is that is hit by all creature removal which is quite prevalent in EDH. Overall Windborn Muse is a really great pickup for its price and can help add some protection to a budget deck.
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7. Reveillark

Reveillark is another card that was really popular in old commander that doesnt see a ton of play, just like Karmic Guide it is graveyard recursion in white but only for creatures with power 2 or less. Even with this restriction it is still a great card to recur some smaller creatures, the best targets with Reveillark are cards with impactful ETB’s or really anything being a 2 for 1 is really never bad whether you hard cast it or evoke it is still a great card that is underplayed in commander and can be picked up for really cheap!
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6. Knight of the White Orchid

Just like white decks struggle to draw cards land ramp can be a struggle as well. While Knight of the White Orchid isn’t the best piece of ramp in the world it can absolutely help! While Knight may not have the best stats to cost ratio being able to get a land if an opponent controls more lands than you is a great piece of ramp in the early game that can help you cast some of your bigger spells early. Knight of the white orchid is a really cool budget card for a bunch of decks that can be a great way to grab a plains!
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5. Bastion Protector

Bastion Protector is a really sweet card that has a cool ability, while the ability may be narrow since it only targets one creature being able to give your commander indestructible and +2/+2 for only 3 mana is a great ability! This card can slot into really any deck and is quite cheap to pickup, I think for decks that need their commander to win / further their gameplan this card is a slam dunk and a great inclusion!
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4. Mirror Entity

Mirror entity is a super sweet cheap pickup that not only gets the benefit of any creature buff that cares about type can also make all of your creatures into a certain power. Which can be an absolute game changer for late game combats when the creatures are big and you have a lot of mana to sink into it, while a 3 mana 1/1 is not at all impressive the ability carries mirror entity and can be a great card when used offensively or defensively!
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3. Bounty Agent

Bounty Agent is a sweet card that can actually target a bunch of permanents, while legendary artifacts and enchantments are not the most common targets in an average game of EDH being able to use Bounty Agent to single target kill a commander is great and when combined with some of the graveyard recursion featured earlier on this list can be a great way to eliminate an opponents commander this is especially great for decks that rely on their commander to win!
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2. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

What a fall from grace with the price of Thalia, many reprints made this card eligible for this list and I am very happy for that, Thalia is a great card for any kind of staxy hatebear strategy or against any type of deck that focuses on noncreature spells. Thalia can also be played in creature focused Human strategys, Thalia overall is just a great card and being able to played on a budget makes her even better!
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1. Sun Titan

An absoulte commander powerhouse and for so cheap, this card was an absolute mainstay in the early days of EDH and is still a great card today. Not only is sun titan a 6/6 for 6 with vigilance you can return any permanent mana value 3 or less on ETB and attack. Sun Titan is a big body with a helpful ability and has more of the rare graveyard recursion in mono-white. While Sun Titan is not as powerful as it once was it can be a great inclusion in any deck and can be a powerhouse!
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Thanks for reading to the end!