“A challenge, huh?”
Art:Wispdrinker Vampire by Zara Alfonso
Table of Contents
Today’s Featured Commander Is:

Welcome to MKM Week! This is just entry one in a week of decks featuring MKM commanders. Wispdrinker Vampire is a very cool commander and a very strong commander for a token strategy, essentially allowing us to extort each opponent every time a creature ETBs for us. When combined with all of our creatures plus a ton of token generation, we can put immense pressure on our opponents. We are in Orzhov, which gives us access to strong removal and helps us take out big threats from our opponents. I am very excited to be starting off MKM week with a bang. If you love tokens or Orzhov, I think you may enjoy this one. Without further adieu, let’s get it!
The Deck:
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Wispdrinker Vampire Tokens!
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Why Wispdrinker Vampire?
Wispdrinker Vampire is a key part of the deck as, over the course of the game, they deal a ton of damage to opponents and allow us to gain a ton of life. They are a little expensive, and we don’t have really much ramp, but either way, Wispdrinker Vampire makes an impact quite quickly after coming down. Wispdrinker’s second ability is quite expensive, but it should be activated if we have the mana. The deathtouch is huge and makes even our 1/1 tokens threats in combat, and the lifelink makes us even stronger against aggressive or any creature strategies. Wispdrinker Vampire is a key part of our deck and a card I always cast as soon as possible.
Deck Overview:
This section contains information about cards in the deck and how they function within the deck! I also highlighted some of my favorite cards in the deck!
Creeping Bloodsucker is one of my favorite creatures since it has the ability of our commander, and more damage and life is always welcome. We also have some strong extort creatures who do the same thing, like Tithe Drinker
, Basilica Guards
, and Basilica Screecher
. We produce a ton of tokens throughout the deck, so Mirkwood Bats
and Nadier's Nightblade
are both great ways to get some additional damage and life going. Now, I know I’m being redundant with all this gaining and draining, but there are a ton of ways to do it in this deck. We are running a few MKM cards in the deck, with my favorite being Snarling Gorehound
, which allows us to surveil an absolute ton, and that can be great if we have Death Denied
in our hand or are looking for specific cards. Now let’s discuss some of our token producers like Icatian Crier
We do have some instant speed token producers, which can be great for gaining life or damaging an opponent in a pinch, and having additional blockers is strong as well. We have Raise the Alarm
We have a ton of very strong token production at sorcery speed, with the best of the best being Battle Screech
We are only two colors, so we have rocks, but there aren’t a ton of them. Orzhov Signet
Pillory of the Sleepless
Land Base:
Our land base has little excitement, just a simple two-color land base. I really like The Dross Pits
Strengths of the Deck:
- Every time a creature ETB’s under our control, we extort our opponents, which can get out of hand very quickly and helps us put a ton of pressure on each of our opponents.
- We gain a ton of life in the deck, which positions us very well against aggressive strategies or any type of high-damage creature deck.
- Being in Orzhov allows us to have a good mix of removal and various forms of it that allow us to take out a wide variety of targets our opponents may have.
Weaknesses of the Deck:
- We can be a little slow to kill opponents if trying to go through combat, especially since a good majority of our deck is 1/1’s, and even when we hit, we just don’t do a ton of damage.
- We are generally weak to creature hate and don’t have a ton of recursion in the deck.
- We can be a little slow to start, and beyond a few mana rocks, we don’t have a ton of ramp present within the deck.
Deck Stats:

Sample Hands:

Main Win Conditions:
There are no infinite combos or loops within the deck; we are a combat deck through and through, and since we are all in on tokens and generally small creatures, we can deal a ton of chip damage through our commander’s ability and also gain a ton of life. Even though almost all of our creatures are decently small, if we keep attacking with a large number of them, we can continue to damage our opponents and eventually, slowly but surely, end the game.
What a great commander to start off MKM week with, I am so excited for this week as there are a ton of awesome cards and commanders for the set. Wispdrinker Vampire is a very interesting commander that allows us to play a token strategy with ease and basically gives us a free extort effect for most of our creatures/tokens. I have been having a blast with this one, and I hope you enjoyed it; stay tuned for the rest of the week for a whole week of MKM commanders! Thanks for reading to the end and for all of your support!