Pauper EDH is a huge format with an absolute ton of amazing cards. The restriction of any uncommon creature allows for a plethora of amazing but often overlooked creatures. Because of this, I wanted to highlight ten awesome commanders with very few decks and include starter decklists for you all to check out! These are in no particular order; I hope you can find a new kind of unpopular commander to brew. I am so excited to showcase all of these lesser-known commanders today!
Art:Bad Deal by Zoltan Boros
Data provided from, Thank you so much to them!
Table of Contents
#10: Ana Battlemage Bounce Control

Ana Battlemage is a very cool Sultai commander and one of only two options in the format; this is a very strong card and great for any Sultai mages out there. This deck is a control deck with a ton of bounce that can either be used to bounce our commander and re-trigger them or bounce our opponent’s stuff. The overall gameplay for this deck focuses on stopping all of the problematic things our opponents try to do; this deck is interesting and definitely a deck that deserves more play; the commander has cool abilities, and this is pretty much the only option for Sultai Control!
This deck only has thirteen decks on!
I have written a full primer for this deck, which you can check out here if you are interested.
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Ana Battlemage Bounce Control Pauper EDH!
#9: Zombie Trailblazer Swampwalk

Zombie Trailblazer is a very interesting commander and a super weird one. The swampwalk may not be relevant at every table, but being able to give our zombies swampwalk helps a ton, and we have quite a few ways within the deck that help as well, like Contaminated Ground and Evil Presence
. This deck is a blast to play, and as someone who loves zombies within Pauper EDH, this is another very fun option!
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Zombie Trailblazer Swampwalk!
#8 Nemata, Grove Guardian Saproling Stompy

Who doesn’t love Saprolings? There are a ton of awesome support for these weird and funny cards; sadly, Pauper EDH doesn’t have a ton of support, so I built this deck as a hybrid stompy style list with a ton of Saproling support but a lot of big stompy finishers. This deck is perfect for a player at any skill-level and is just overall a ton of fun.
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Nemata, Grove Guardian Saproling Stompy!
#7: Thunderclap Wyvern Flyers

Thunderclap Wyvern only has five total decks on pdhrec, which, in my opinion, is absolutely criminal! This card is pretty dang good and a deck I have been having a ton of success with in testing. Azorius and Flyers go together like peanut butter and jelly, and there is a ton of awesome support like Warden of Evos Isle and Winged Words
. While I definitely agree that cards like Kangee, Sky Warden
are better flying-focused commanders, this is still a great option!
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Thunderclap Wyvern Flyers!
#6: Nightkin Ambusher Voltron

Nightkin Ambusher is a very cool commander and one that can be built in a ton of different ways, there are very few decks out there, but there is quite a bit of diversity among them, I decided to go a little off of the beaten path and do Voltron mostly because our commander is easily unblockable and one-shots can be quite easy with this deck. We are able to rad up multiple opponents using cards like Blur and Echoing Truth
. This deck is a lot of fun, and I have been enjoying it a ton; it is certainly different, but hey, that’s part of the fun.
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Nightkin Ambusher Voltron!
#5 Chief of the Edge Warriors

Chief of the Edge is a pretty cool commander who helps to make our warriors more aggressive and allows us to hit hard; before building and testing this deck I didn’t realize how much warrior support there was within Orzhov, but there is a ton of amazing cards like Rush of Battle and Aurora Champion
. This deck is quite simple and just a straight up combat deck but is a lot of fun to play and focuses on a creature type that doesn’t have a ton of love within the format.
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Chief of the Edge Warriors!
#4: Weaver of Currents Stompy Ramp

No frills on this one, just a straight-up Stompy deck complete with a mana-ramp commander and a ton of ways to drop big bombs as early as you possibly can. Being in simic opens us up to strong creatures like Canal Courier and Quicksilver Fisher
as well as some small-control elements like Dissolve
and Essence Scatter
if you like big creatures and turning them sideways I think you will enjoy this one!
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Weaver of Currents Stompy Ramp!
#3: Umara Mystic Cantrips

Umara Mystic is an extremely hard-hitting commander; whether you use the commander themselves or just one of our other creatures with prowess like Monastery Swiftspear and Bloodwater Entity
, this deck is capable of dishing out some pretty serious damage. I have been having a blast with this one in testing, I will say I am not surprised that this has a low deck count, cards like Khenra Spellspear // Gitaxian Spellstalker
exist but this deck is a lot of fun to play.
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Umara Mystic Cantrips!
#2: Reveka, Wizard Savant Control

Reveka is a tried and true control deck that attempts to win games by locking down and stopping your opponent’s gameplan while maintaining a control hell and finishing off opponents with cards like Murmuring Mystic and Sword Coast Serpent // Capsizing Wave
. This deck is definitely for control mages, but the commander provides a strong effect, and it is as mono-blue as they come; definitely a deck I would recommend if you are looking to play control.
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Reveka, Wizard Savant Control!
I have written a full primer for this deck, which you can check out here if you are interested.
#1: Meddling Youths Aggro

Meddling Youths is a very cool and very aggressive commander. This has a shockingly low two decks on pdhrec, and honestly, it deserves more; this card is quite strong, and the additional card draw generated by our commander allows us to get ahead and remove one of the biggest problems that Boros has. This deck aims to deal out a ton of damage early and hit hard, we can struggle against stompy-style strategies in the mid-late game as they start getting bigger but by that point we have usually done a substantial amount of damage.
This deck only has two decks on
I have written a full primer for this deck, which you can check out here if you are interested.
Thanks so much for reading to the end and coming on this journey with me; I hope you have seen one commander here you haven’t seen before, and above all, I hope it helped and inspired you to keep brewing Pauper EDH decks; there are a plethora of absolutely amazing options within the format. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for all of your support!